at the apartment

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We all got to the apartment and i went into the guest room whenever Mindy was with Anika at our dorm id stay that so i had some clothes i could change into
"Evie you have to come here now" i heard Chad screaming outside my door. "Chad im changing do you have a second?" "No i dont come here now!" I had a pair of pants on and a bra but no shirt so i quickly put on a button up shirt and just butend the bottom ones wich left most of my cleavage out. Wich i was not happy with but Chad sounded serious.

I ran into the living room and stopped in front of Sam and 'cute boy' as Quin called him. "Could you cover up jesus Evie" Chad said jokingly. " Well i'll cover up if Quin van stop fucking a new guy every week." I glared at Chad he was already looking at me but he wasn't looking in my eyes. "My eyes are up here you know." I told Chad. He cleared his throat and focused on the tv.

"In this building behind me two teens have just been murderd their names where Jason Carvey and Greg-" the tv sound was cut of by Mindy "holy shit thats that chode from our film studies class" Mindy said. "Also found at the scene where various ghostface costumes popularised by the stab movie franchise" the tv continued "pack a bag where leaving in ten." Sam said walking around gathering their stuff.

"Sam lets talk about this for a second, cause this might not have anything to do with us " Tara insisted. "Are you serious?" Sam asked her sister " its a big city its halloween everyone is wearing masks" Tara kept fighting. "Tara you knew him." "Barely." She defended. "Chad, Mindy, Evie back me up." Sam said. "I mean it is" i started. "A little bit" Chad continued. "Close to home" Mindy ended the sentence. "See." Sam said. "Quin you dads a cop right, can you call him and see what is going on?" Tara asked. "Before you make the unilateral desicion to abandon my coleg education and flee the fucking state!" Tara said turned to Sam. " Im calling him now." Quin said

As she walked away to call her dad sams phone rang. We all stopped and went Silent. "Why did everyone just freak out when the phone rang?" Ethan asked. "You gotta keep up my dude." Anika said. When Quin says that her dad wants to talk to Sam i knew this wasn't good. He asked her to come down to the station. Tara and her both went of and the rest of us stayed in their apartment.

I was sitting in my room with a killer headache. "Hey Evie, can i come in?" I heard Chad asking me. "Sure nothing you haven't seen before." "Thats worring." He walks in with a glass of water an ice pack and a pain killer. "Oh my god you are an angel." I grab the glass and the pain killer and take it. "You can leave of you want to i think the fighting is done for the day." "Thats sad i was accually looking forward to getting some shots in." He said fake punching the air. "Alright bring it." He sits next to me. "You know im sorry for Kicking you earlier it was the heat of the moment and i was drunk." "Evie its all good you cant keep appolgising." "But i feel bad your nice to me and im just a bitch, really if you need anything or just someone to talk to im here." "You know there is something you can do." He gets closer to me. " Just so you know im not drunk anymore." I chuckel.

"Hey Evie i lost my phone do you have an-" she stopped and just looked at us. "Did i cock blok you?" "What- no well, no never say that again." " Im just gonna go." She slowly walks away.

Writer here this was really fun to write thanks for reading!!

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