⁹Minjeong trusts Yu

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Yu Ahjussi:
"Kim Minjeong"

Yu Ahjussi:

Yu Ahjussi:

Yu Ahjussi:

Kim Maltese:
"what is it"

Yu Ahjussi:
"Oohh you replied on babe LOL"

Kim Maltese:
"this will be my last reply"

Yu Ahjussi:
"No waitttt"

Yu Ahjussi:
"Kim Minjeong"

Yu Ahjussi:

Yu Ahjussi:
"Come baaacckkkk. Give me attention :("

Kim Maltese:
"im in class dummy"

Yu Ahjussi:
"And I'm in a company meeting. Wdym?"

Kim Maltese:
"then focus on ur meeting and stop texting"

Yu Ahjussi:
"But I don't wanna listen to them"

Kim Maltese:
"well i do, stop bothering me"

"Karina, are you listening?"

A nudge from her manager beside her and the authoritative voice coming from the front made Jimin snap her head up from her phone. She caught unto the residual smile on her face and immediately dropped it, blinking her eyes to the pelite woman who called this meeting.

"Yes. Irene unnie."

"Then what did I say just now?"

Jimin quietly racked her brain for what could possibly be the conversation all about. The last time she paid attention was when the said woman entered the room and that was more or less half an hour ago.

"Uh. you said.." Jimin starts, a smirk growing on her face to which Irene raised her brows at, "..that I'm your best-selling artist right now and it's all thanks to me that the company's stocks are skyrocketing for the past couple of years. You're welcome by the way."

When Irene huffed at her remark Jimin's smirk grew bigger. She loves it when she gets a rise out of their Chief Director.

"Be serious Yu Jimin." Irene commands, sending Jimin the infamous icy glare that everyone would flinch to.

But who was she kidding. It's Jimin.

"I am serious." The singer retorts easily sending back a charming smile to Irene's direction.

Someone must have turned up the AC because the room suddenly grew colder, the few people in the room slightly shuddering at the change of temperature. Jimin on her end was trying her hardest not to burst out laughing at the tension brought about by Irene's aura.

"Jimin." Wendy who was seated beside her coaxed, sounding more like a reprimanding mother than a worried manager who might get the wrath of a fuming Chief Director.

Jimin decides to drop the mischief.

"Alright. I'm sorry, I wasn't listening." She chuckles in mirth, "But that's only because I know what this meeting is all about."

"Do you now?" Irene prods, eyebrow up in the air for the second time.

"Yup. And I refuse talk about it with you unless everyone in the room, except you, Wendy unnie and Seulgi unnie, leaves."

Jimin suddenly felt a dozen pairs of eyes on her. Some are confused: some are simply baffled at her audacity instruction. But she doesn't give a flying frappe.

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