03. Parents

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Dear friend,

I want to share a story with you about a situation I had when I was a child.

We all know how mothers could get. How irritating they would be when we didn't fold the laundry or some sort, how annoying their voice could get when we went against them and how they just happen to have this super power where they could make us feel like we are the most guilty person ever been alive on the face of the Earth.

And that's what happened. One morning, over breakfast, my mom started to get angry at me, I forgot why to be honest, and as a reflex of a daughter, I got annoyed by it. We argued a bit, but I was a kid, so I didn't say much. I just listened. And I hated it. I hated how my mom sounded. I hated how she could do what she did, but if I did it to her, I was considered as 'rude'. I hated how I couldn't fight back. 

I hated it.

So much.

I wanted to show I was angry. I wanted to tell her she couldn't do that to me, so I did one of the most childish thing I have ever done. I left home not bringing my packed lunch to school. You have to understand this, my mom was the one that packed the food. She always did. Therefore, my way of not appreciating her, I left it. Setting on the dining table in front of our glass door. I went to school.

After the assembly at school, I wanted to start my day as if nothing happened. I wanted to be a normal kid that didn't fight with her mother. It was going well until I was called by one of the cleaners to go to the school gate. 

I did.

And there was my mom on the other side of the gate, holding my lunch, calling my name as if nothing happened. I approached her with a look that clearly yelled "I'm annoyed what do you want", but her face was nothing compared to mine. All she did was say "you left this at home" and kissed my cheek before going to work.


I strongly believe this story could define a love of a parent. If not define, maybe just a little insight on how parents could still love their children no matter what. So please, friend, be patient with your parents. If you decided to sleep over at your friend's house and your dad calls you if you need anything or what, don't get mad. They're just trying to look out for you. They're doing it for you.

Yours sincerely,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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