Chapter 12. Blood and Ash

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Cerys Targaryen. Who is she? What will she leave behind, what legacy?

She could have been remembered as the Rightful Heir to the Iron Throne, the first Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, but was instead written into history as the Queen Who Never Was. An echo of Maegor's cruelty.

Her father's decision did not surprise Cerys, but this does not mean that she stopped looking for allies. Viserys Targaryen did not change his decision, without realizing it, starting a new slow-motion war. In a month, a year or even decades, it will happen.

Cerys did not want discord in her family, but when war comes to these lands, she will squeeze all the good she can out of this situation.

But these are concerns of the future; now the kingdom is drowning in discontent, which can develop into a rebellion. The War in the Stepstones hit the treasury hard, and the Master of Coin had to raise taxes on land and livestock. Of course people were unhappy. The civil war was breathing down their necks. The common people did not care about the words of some lords, they needed actions.

"Your Grace," Cerys entered her father's chambers without waiting for his permission. Viserys turned around, raising his eyebrows in surprise.

His guards followed the princess in, but he waved his hand, signaling them to leave them.

"I consider it my duty to tell you that many do not share your position on the war."

"Cerys—" The man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"And neither do I." She raised her head high. "People think you should have stepped in and ended this."

"I've been suffocating in politics all day, please don't start putting pressure on me." Viserys placed the cup of wine next to the piece of paper and the girl changed her focus to it.

"What is this?"

"A letter. From Vaemond Velaryon."

"The Sea Snake's brother?" Cerys frowned.

"Yes. He fights in the Stepstones with the others."

She took the yellowed paper in her hands, quickly running her eyes over the neatly written black letters. The princess's heart sank when she read to the end.

"This is a plea for aid." She turned her dull gaze to her father. Tears stung her eyes, fear for Daemon scratched her insides. "Then why not send it?"

"Because this war was started by two rebels who were not happy with my decisions. If I help them, what will that say about me as a king?"

"That you are very kind and love your brother." Cerys' gaze seemed to eat a hole in Viserys' soul. Please father, don't make a mistake.

"If you really believe this, my daughter, then you are very generous."

She pursed her lips.

"What do you believe, Your Grace?" He remained silent and the girl moved on the chair closer to the edge, wanting to convey the following words to her father correctly. "Do you want me to tell you something that no lord or Hand will tell you?" The Targaryen man glanced at her briefly before continuing to pour himself some wine. "You must burn them all. Impale the heads of the traitors along the beach on a pike. You must make them afraid to make the same mistake again."

"Only a fool rules by fear, Cerys." He grinned condescendingly, as if she were a stupid child. "The king must be respected."

"Do you think they respect you?" Cerys almost laughed. "No, father. The ships of a man who is respected will not be attacked."

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