Chapter 10. U for Usurpation or for Unloved Children?

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Cerys returned to King's Landing long before Rhaenyra and the knights led by the Hand, but before she could even cross the threshold of her chambers, one of the servants notified her that the king wished to speak with her.

"Father," The girl bowed a little in a respectful bow, it did not escape her attention how quickly the servant left them alone. "Did you want to see me?

"Did I understand correctly that you, my daughter, disobeyed me and personally went to Dragon Stone?" Viserys placed the stone dragon figurine heavily on the table.

"I'm surprised you remember that you have more than one child." Cerys said without looking up.

He sighed heavily, pointing her to a chair.

"I know you're angry with me," the princess chuckled, but the man didn't notice. "Surely you think my decision is dishonest, but believe me, you are not cut out to rule."

"But Rhaenyra is?" She wanted to smash her father's face against his own stone toy town. The fantasy of his eye being impaled on a spire, barely larger than the tine of a fork, brought her a morbid sense of comfort.

"In time you will understand and accept my decision." Cerys pursed her lips, standing up abruptly with the clear intention of leaving. "I need your help!" Viserys exclaimed, causing her to stop. She slowly turned around, signaling for him to continue. "I'm sure you understand what is expected of me now."

"The king must marry again." The princess nodded, a wrinkle of confusion running between her eyebrows. "But I don't understand what this has to do with me."

"Rhaenyra is a very vulnerable girl, you know that and I thought that maybe you wouldn't mind... " Cerys arched an eyebrow. "Helping her accept my choice."

"She understands this need," she began, but the Targaryen man walked up to her and took her by the shoulders. The girl barely managed to tear her gaze away from his hands.

"No one can replace your mother, but I want you to let her know that this is for the best. Your sister is all that matters now."

"As always." Cerys smiled through her tears.

"Cerys, I'm serious," Viserys shook her and the smile disappeared from the girl's face. "Our line is vulnerable, it can be easily interrupted and our dragons will not be able to protect us! And by marrying again, I may begin to ensure that we are better defended."

"Against whom?"

"Whomever may dare to challenge us." He walked away from his daughter. "I don't want any discord between us."

Cerys chewed her cheek, trying to digest the information she had said. She still felt her father's palms on her, such a gesture of love had an intoxicating effect on her. She mended her broken heart, wiped away her tears and smiled, as if the past and the actions committed in it did not matter. Her father knew this and without a twinge of conscience took advantage of the fact that there were rotten holes in the soul of his first-born, which he himself had made.

"I will pass this on to Rhaenyra, if you so wish, Your Grace." Princess Targaryen squeezed out something that could pass for a smile. "You are the King, your main duty is to the country. She will understand this."

"I always knew I could count on you." Viserys praised her and Cerys's eyes sparkled like those of the most devoted puppy. She always picked up those crumbs of love that her father threw on the floor. Really like a dog. "Come with me." He opened the door, letting his daughter in first.

𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒, 𝐫𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐧𝐲𝐫𝐚 & 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now