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season 2, episode 8

Thalia, Dimitri and two other grounders had led Clarke back the gate of their camp. Thalia was not leaving until they handed over Finn and she would kill every last one of them until she got him. She watched as their gate opened and Clarke walked in. Finn ran forward towards the blonde and Thalia immediately sent a glare in his direction. Clarke turned her head and demanded them to shut the gate before anything could happen. "You can't be out here."

Bellamy was stood inside, his gun aimed at the gate and his eyes found the woman he saw on the bridge. A bow and arrow strapped to her back like the first time he saw her, except this time, she looked pissed.

Clarke ran forward into the arms of her mother as Abby spoke. "What did she say? Is there a chance for a truce?"

People had started to gather around as they waited for the answer. "Yes." She said shakily.

"What's wrong?" Finn asked as he sensed something was wrong by her tone of voice. Bellamy walked forward to hear them better as Clarke continued.

"She wants you. If we want a truce, we have to give her Finn." Clarke said as her eyes looked from her mom to Finn.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Raven asked with anger evident in her tone.

"It's Thalia's offer." Clarke simply said.

"It's not an offer-" Raven started but was interrupted by Finn.

"It's punishment. For what happened at the village. Blood for blood." He said not taking his eyes off Clarke.

"That's insane." Bellamy interjected looking at the group. Finn may have went a little crazy but that's not who he was.

"If we refuse?" Abby asked looking to her daughter.

Clarke glanced over at the gate that held Thalia on the other side and looked back to her mom. "They attack. Thalia will wipe us all out." The crowd began murmuring and fighting as they argued whether to give him up or not.

Abby and Clarke went inside to talk to Lincoln, who was strapped down to a table

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Abby and Clarke went inside to talk to Lincoln, who was strapped down to a table. "He's not a reaper anymore, he doesn't need to be restrained." Clarke said softly as her mom gave her a side glance.

"Yes I do." Lincoln breathed heavily and coughed a little bit.

"Just tell us, is there a way to make peace?" Abby asked him as she stood next to Clarke and Octavia with her arms crossed.

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