The Happy Hearthache

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Anand freshened up and joined others for dinner. Manjiri bustled around serving them dinner along with Shefali. Parth awkwardly thanked Shefali as she served him dinner and she gave him hesitant smile. After the Parth's affair had come out, He was shocked, he never expected this from his son. He felt very ashamed on his upbringing, and his wife for hiding their son's misdeeds. The matter had reached till divorce and child custody but then unexpectedly Shefali has asked to get marriage counseling in the last attempt to save her marriage and by then Parth had also realized his mistakes and had apologized many times, so he readily agreed for it. They stayed under same roof but in different rooms and never missed their counselling session as if they were determined in their common goal of saving their marriage.

" We have session tomorrow at 11 am, will you be able to come"? Parth asked Shefali. " Yes, don't worry I will be on time." Shefali replied quietly. " Beta, you don't have to go through it all and continue your marriage. How will you be able to stay with him after all he did. I told you I am with you, no one will take Shivam from you, if you are worried for him. You and Shivam both can stay here with us after divorce and Parth will have to leave the house." Manjiri said. Both Parth and Shefali frowned slightly irritated but didn't say anything. And Mahima again started arguing with Manjiri trying to break her son's home and dragging broken relationships of other family members in between and then Manjiri doing all emotional drama and Abhimanyu finally getting up to console his mother. "Enough" Anand raised his voice. And everyone quieted down" Parth and Shefali, please be present tomorrow evening and you, Mahima and Abhimanyu adjust your shifts accordingly, but I want everyone present tomorrow at 8 pm. I am taking some very important decisions for this family that you may find hard but have to accept." "But Bhai Saab, what are planning and all of a sudden, you didn't think to inform me'? " You will find along with others tomorrow only Manjiri. Shefali please ask Anisha to come but without Goenka's tagging along. This is Birla family matter". " Yes Papa" she said. And Anand left the room leaving others speculating what he had decided.

Everyone gathered in the living room at 7.30 pm next day evening even Anisha had reached. Anand had left early evening somewhere and yet to come. It was first time in their life Anand had acted like this. By 8 pm Anand arrived and took center sit in room looking at everyone. " I have been thinking since Nishtha's marriage broke about our home situations, everyone in this family is or had been suffering in their relationships. I stayed quite because I didn't want to interfere or impose in your matters but not anymore. But first Shefali I want to apologize to you from entire Birla family for the mistakes of the son of this house", Anand folded his hands." Please Papa, what are you doing, you shouldn't. Elders only raise hands for blessing the younger ones." Everyone was shocked at this. Parth bowed his head very ashamed and sad tears running from his eyes seeing his father this way. " I know you want to give another chance for Shivu but still I want to ask you, do you really want to stay with Parth and continue this marriage? " He asked. " Yes Papa, I want to, for my family, for us and myself. Since the counselling started, I have realized we still love one another but our love has gotten buried over the years under the dusty layers of misunderstandings, miscommunications, unhappiness over life choices, our fights became regular occurrence, and we started fighting over the smallest of issues. I am staying in this marriage, but I can't accept his as husband yet. We have too many issues to sort out first. He had extra marital affair, he cheated on me. Love might be there but that trust, and respect is gone, he disrespected the sanctity of our marriage and until he earns my lost trust and respect, we can't be together." Shefali replied. Parth came forward," Thank you Shefali for giving me a chance for redemption, I promise I will spend rest of my life until I earn your trust and respect", he cried holding his hands. " Okay Beta but know that even if you change your decision in future, whatever you may decide then, Anand Birla will always support you. And now for the decisions I have taken, one of them is Parth you are no longer working at Birla Hospital." " Anand what are you saying? Parth is already feeling sorry for his actions and trying to amend, also working so hard in hospital so why are you asking him to leave?" Mahima asked confused. " Because he is not happy, he had never wanted to work in Birla hospitals, in fact none of our children had interest in medical profession, but we forced our expectations on them so they could work in Birla Hospitals. I know Anisha wanted to pursue fashion designing, Parth wanted to be an Architect and Nishtha wants to do MBA and do business." Anand said. "But it's our legacy" Mahima tried to say, "No, our children will do what makes them happy. And make their own legacy instead of following someone else's dream. Birla Hospital was our great grandfather's legacy and dream, and it will be continued but by those who truly wish and dream to work here. If possible please Parth I want you to pursue in career which makes you happy it's not late yet, And Anisha I know you are married now so you have many responsibilities and you have to ask your in laws now but whatever you do I will always be with you" Anand said looking at his children who looked at him in wonder and genuine happiness, even Nishtha had happy beautiful smile on her face after long time and Anand's heart ached with happiness seeing their truly joyful expressions. He had seen such pure joy on their faces after long time he had almost forgotten.

" Nishtha, I know whatever happened to you was painful, you had so many dreams of your marriage but beta please you have to understand it's your past now and you have to move forward without looking back. Just like happiness, sorrows are also part of your life, and you have to keep hope for better tomorrow. I know previously we denied you to pursue MBA, but I know I was wrong to not let you choose your own career therefore I have taken liberty of getting you admitted in London University for MBA here are your admission details. Of course, you can still cancel it if you want and do something else, I just wanted you to have something to look forward." Anand handed over thick folder to Nishtha. " OMG this is the best, thank you so much Papa. "Nishtha said excitedly. Anand smiled at her enthusiasm, for the first time in many months after that disastrous wedding fiasco, Nishtha looked truly happy and excited.

" Okay, one last decision", Anand thought. But it was the toughest and hardest decision he has to take and it was necessary. Not only for the family but also for that person. It should have been done long back but he ignored and let that person interfere in their life too much just because he was very sorry and felt bad for that person. But now it's time. And this is not only beneficial for their family but also for that person. He was risking already fragile bonds that held this family together with his decision and only hoped they would understand him otherwise his family may fall apart.

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