Safe Haven

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"Hello Miss. Doctor in process, ready for your result?"

"Neel Chachu", " Pranali chachi", shouted Anvita in excited, "what are you doing here? She asked. "What do you mean? How can we not be there on your most important day" Neel replied. "Namaste Aaba( grandpa)" Anvita took blessings from Harshvardhan. "So are results out yet" Neel asked. " Any moment now Chachu", Anvita replied. "Namaste Baba(father)" Arohi took Harshvardhan's blessings. " God bless you beta" Harshwardhan blessed Arohi.

"Results are out!" Anvita shouted in excitement and nervousness. Everyone gathered around her laptop. Anvita and Arohi crossed their fingers and started praying fervently closing their eyes. " How will you see your result with closed eyes, first check it then do whatever prayers you want it is not going to change anything with your prayers" Yash laughed at their antics, he took her laptop ignoring her protest and started checking. " Okay I see now Anvita Sawant Roll no 112358 hmm okay alright", he said seriously, " you know we are proud of you right Anu, whatever happens we are always with you". '' I didn't pass right, " Anvita said dejected." it's okay beta, you will certainly pass next time, this is not the end" Arohi tried to encourage her. " Who said you didn't pass, you have ranked 7 in all of Maharashtra and 1 rank in Pune, Congratulations"! Yash exclaimed. " What really? How could you tease us like that, you gave me fright Baba" Anvita complained. "Congratulations" Everyone congratulated Anvita. " I am so proud of you", Arohi hugged her daughter. "But Aai I didn't come first in Maharashtra. I wanted to be No.1 just like you and I scored 7th rank that is far below you, I am not happy with my results this is nothing to be happy about and party" Anvita said angrily and sadly and Arohi was painfully reminded of her own MBBS results how she had scored 1 mark less than previous record holder Abhimanyu Birla , A name that still pains her, and had been so rude to her family and sister Akshara who had come home after so long because of her insecurities and ruined their happiness. " Anu Beta, this ranking race is part of life and you will have so many opportunities in the future to achieve your goals but right now all that matters is your family is with you in your success and wants to share this happy moments with you and give you their best wishes, you will get a lots of chances to make us more proud with your achievements and we will be waiting for that." Arohi advised Anvita." You are right Aai, I am sorry, you all came here to celebrate my success and all I cared about is my rankings". Anvita replied feeling sorry over her behavior." It's okay Beta, Go get that sweet box from kitchen and give everyone and take elders blessings''. Arohi said to Anvita. After Anvita gave sweets to everyone and took their blessings, Harshwardhan, Neel and Pranali left for work with promise to be on time for Dinner Party at night. Anvita also left to visit her friends and teachers. " I just spoke with Anna and Mai; they are very happy and proud of Anvita. They are coming back today afternoon from their Shirdi Darshan, I will go in sometime to pick up them". Yash said. " That's great, Anvita will be so happy they are coming today only. Children really missed them all these days. I also missed Anna and Mai so much, house feels more alive with their presence". Arohi said while working on some hospital reports. " Do you need any help for tonight's party''? Yash asked." Nahi Yashji, everything is already taken care of. There aren't many people just family and some of our common friends and Anvita's friends are there. So, it's not too much to handle. And I have prepared decorations, but Ru and Ayu wanted to help so once they are back from school, we will put it up, hopefully they will not make too much mess. Or haa I have ordered cake so please pick it up on the way I have messaged you bakery address." Arohi told her husband.

Yash left to get ready and Arohi busied herself with work. She got up once finished after some time. Anvita was yet to return home, and Yash had also left to pick up Anna and Mai. "I have to prepare food for Anna and Mai as they will not be able to have all the heavy dinner of the party and also had dietary restrictions. " Arohi thought to herself. She never thought she will find proper parental guidance from anyone at that stage of her life, but it happened with Anna and Mai. they were Yash's grandparents and also had raised Yash and Pranali, Yash's younger sister after their parent's death just like her but they were very different in their parenting than her own grandparents. They loved their grandchildren a lot but also raised them with firm hand. They allowed them to do whatever they want but didn't indulge in unnecessary things. Yashji's families were quite rich with inherited wealth and also a successful law firm which had 3 generations of family legacy. Mai was a very successful and famous gynecologist and being only daughter from family of doctors owned Sanjeevani Hospital, she also worked with various NGO's and actively worked with them. but as both Yash and Pranali had chosen different career path, she was considering letting some other hospital to take it over but then she met Arohi, it was Mai who encouraged and convinced both Yash and Aarohi for marriage for themselves and their children and also handed over Sanjeevani Hospital's responsibility to her when Neel and Harshwardhan Baba joined her. And here all three of them found the purpose in their life as Sanjeevani is Mai's legacy, they all considered it a sacred duty to carry forward her legacy. With Mai and Anna, Arohi had confided all her deepest secrets, her sorrows, her mistakes, her past, everything , she hid nothing from her, and Mai listened to her, consoled her, accepted her without judging, Yashji had also been there and when she asked him can he still accept her after knowing everything and only thing he said was " Of course Arohi, nobody is perfect , you are human, you are allowed have emotions whether it's anger, happiness, sorrow or jealousy , you are allowed to make mistakes in your emotions but as long as you realize them and seek redemption for them then we are with you. You have not done anything that is completely unforgivable, and I can see how much you are sorry for your past mistakes and tormenting yourself, Even I have made mistakes and also living in pain therefore let us be with you we will help each other overcome our past and make new beginnings for our children but first you need to forgive yourself."

That had cemented her decision to Marry Yashji and in the past 10 years she had never once regretted her decision. Yashji and Her were not in love but they loved and cared for each other and children a lot. They had built a family with love over the years, this was their safe haven, and she knew that one day her past and present will meet, and many secrets will come out that will threaten their family, but she was ready.

Arohi Goenka was hotheaded emotional immature lovesick girl, but Mrs. Arohi Yash Sawant is a mother, a wife and daughter in law and she will protect her family.

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