Chapter 16 The first step of the whole life

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Saiki Kusuo said that he didn’t think that much at all. He and Dazai Osamu’s joys and sorrows were not connected. Of course, he had no interest in observing the daily life of ordinary humans.

The meteorites that suddenly appeared in the outer circle of the solar system and were about to hit the earth after a while were what bothered him the most.

Saiki Kusuo replied speechlessly:

"I'm just a superpower who wants to live an ordinary life. There's no point in observing ordinary people, because even if I go out to watch a movie, I will be spoiled by my thoughts." He is not a pervert

. He's just a superpower who wants to live a normal life.

Saiki Kusuo opened the five fingers of his right hand towards Dazai Osamu. The most important thing now is to eliminate the influence of Zenyuan Tomie's magical charm on Dazai Osamu and Fushiguro Shiji.

For Fushikiji, all he had to do was erase his memory of today. Saiki Kusuo could hear him repeating the names of the two people repeatedly. He was using all his will to resist the erosion of his beautiful memories of the past by the magical charm.

Judging from his age, he should have already started a family.

He repeated the name "Nao" thousands of times, it should be his wife.

Megumi... maybe his daughter?

Saiki Kusuo greatly respects Fushiguro Shiji's love for his family.

After all, he had seen too many people whose memories had been replaced due to the demonic charm of the young version of Zen Yuan Tomie in the past, and they did not last as long as Fushihei Shiji.

This love is unforgettable and is the softest and hardest place in his heart.

Saiki Kusuo decisively pulled out a super-powered banana and hit Fushiki Shiji on the back of the head, easily canceling all his memories of today.

At the same time, the influence of Zen Yuan Tomie's magical charm also ceased to exist as the memory disappeared.

Fuheishier's subconscious mind finally relaxed and he lay quietly on the ground.

Saiki Kusuo looked at Osamu Dazai silently. The reflection of the dark green lenses showed that the situation of the man in front of him was a bit difficult: "

You said that your superpower [disqualification in the world] can eliminate the effects of special abilities. What you mean is that from the time you saw Tomie From the first meeting, you have been completely degenerated and twisted, which will not be beneficial to your future life." Dazai Osamu remained silent, because now his chest was still clamoring for the jealousy of Kusuo Kiki


If it weren't for the fact that his brain could clearly judge the extreme danger of Saiki Kusuo and Zenin Tomie, as well as

his innate talent for suppressing and controlling emotions, he would probably just take out his penis now and desperately want it. Attacked Kusuo Saiki.

In front of the demonic charm of Zen Yuan Tomie, all living beings are truly equal. No matter whether they are strong in spirit or strong in strength, they cannot escape his influence.

Osamu Dazai is indeed playing with fire and burning himself by using Zen Garden Tomie.

The mental gap torn open by the superpower [Disqualified from the World] will gradually heal as Dazai Osamu moves away, but the impact on Dazai Osamu himself will not weaken at all. On the contrary, as he continues to portray the image of Zenyuan Tomie, it will become more and more intense. Deeper and more twisted.

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