Chapter 14 Non-Existent Memories

Start from the beginning


expression Suddenly becoming gloomy, his eyes were far different from the casual look just now, and became extremely sharp:

"You are Fu Jiang, and I am your cousin Shi'er."

In order to prove what he said, Fuhei Shi'er cut off the ugly hair on his neck. Bao took it down, groped around in its mouth, and took out a very small booklet.

The first page of the album is an old, yellowed photo.

Above are two children also wearing traditional Japanese kimonos.

The older one should be his brother. His hair is very short and he doesn't dress conscientiously. The kimono wrapped around him is loose and loose, and most of the flesh on his chest is exposed. He has shown a kind of wild and rebellious nature since he was a child.

It is almost difficult for younger children to distinguish between male and female. His face is too delicate. It seems that the powerful parents are very satisfied with his appearance and can match him with an expensive kimono woven with complicated patterns.

He is like the final work of a craftsman who has spent half his life carefully carving it, revealing a gloomy ghost that does not match his age.

But his expression was full of melancholy, his eyes were hollow and very numb, completely different from the lively and lively expression of today's Zen Yuan Tomie.

However, no matter who sees this photo, they can also see that this is Fushiguro Jinji and Zenin Tomie when they were young.

After all, even as a child, not everyone can look so outstanding.

Zenyuan Tomie looked at the photo in his hand over and over again, constantly comparing Fushihei Shir with the tall boy in the picture.

He had to admit that it seemed like this was really him. In his memory that did not exist, there might really be a cousin who was very close to him.

Zenyuan Tomie's lips trembled for a short while. He remembered what Dazai Osamu had just called the man in front of him. He raised his eyes and asked tentatively: "Shi'er, cousin?" Unexpectedly, Fushihei Shi'er heard


. Zen Yuan Tomie's long-lost and intimate name did not show the joy of reunion after a long separation or the sadness of not seeing each other for many years.

His expression suddenly seemed to be frozen, and his expression became less natural.

Fuheishier suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the hair next to his temple, using such force that he almost pulled his scalp and hair together.

He gritted his teeth tightly and bared his sharp canine teeth, as if he was suffering an extremely powerful pain.

Fushiguro was like a furious lion:

"Why, why? You are obviously Tomie, why is Nao's face gradually turning into yours?"

Fushiguro now suddenly understood what Dazai Osamu said not to take away for the time being. What exactly does it mean to have an eye patch?

Zen Yuan Tomie awakened a special ability that can completely affect human consciousness.

Although Zenyuan Tomie had already stood out as a child, so much so that the old oranges in Zenyuan's house had evil thoughts, and they wanted to let him use it regardless of the fact that he, as a male child, could not give birth to the offspring of a magician. Use your appearance to bribe other families.

But now the demonic charm of Zen Yuan Tomie has reached a level that can distort facts and create non-existent memories.

Judging from what Fuhei Shi'er heard about the death process of Mafia who did not resist, it can be seen that the Mafia leaders, who were originally brave, adept at fighting, cunning and shrewd, were completely confused by the magical charm of Zenyuan Fujiang and lost their ability to judge.

Even before the sickle of death was about to fall on their necks, they looked at Zenwon Tomie lovingly. All the meaning of their lives was transferred to Zenwon Tomie.

No wonder the only reward Dazai gave him was the task of cleaning up the cursed spirits.

Those extremely vicious Mafia have simply lost the will to resist.

What a terrifying contagion...

All the memories about his wife in Fuheishier's mind began to collapse a little, and the surrounding scenes began to fog and fragment, becoming blurry and difficult to piece together.

Zenyuan Fujiang, your eyes are getting clearer and clearer, causing the heart in your chest to tremble more and more unnaturally.

His image will replace the most important existence in Fuheishier's heart.

The veins all over Fuheishier's muscles popped out, and a huge anger spread in his chest

. He raised his spell tool again, trying to get rid of the source of the contamination of his memory.

But just as he raised his hand, he couldn't help but recall the only person of the same kind who had the same disease in his childhood in the Zen Yuan. They were also bound by Heaven and Curse, were equally despised by everyone, and were also used by everyone.

Fuheishier found that he had suddenly forgotten how they separated after they escaped from the Zen Yuan home together.

They clearly agreed to support each other, to be exiles from the world together, and to depend on each other...

Zenyuan Tomie looked at Fushihei Shiji in shock.

As if he was going crazy, he suddenly jumped up and pointed the curse tool at Zenyuan Tomie, but quickly threw the curse tool far away, not wanting to hurt him anymore, he just knelt down in pain, just like everything just now Like Mafia, she has completely lost the ability to take up arms against threats that may be imposed on her body.

Just like the fish on the chopping board, any child can kill him with a butcher knife.

Zenyuan Tomie wanted to step forward to comfort his newly recognized cousin. Just when he was about to step forward, Saiki Kusuo took the lead and held him back, shaking his head slightly to signal him not to be impulsive.

At this time, Dazai Osamu took the initiative to approach. Under the still-extinguished candlelight, his kite-colored eyes were filled with the vapor of fragrant wine as if he was intoxicated.

However, it is obvious that his thinking logic is

very, very clear.

After all, unlike Fushihei Shiji who constantly controlled the mind of Zenyuan Tomie's anti-magic charm, he let the image of Zenyuan Tomie occupy the most beloved position in his mind without any hesitation.

The weakest fire and the warmest water in his chest alternately rushed over his chest.

The emotional torture of feeling the constant worry of loss and the aggressiveness of possession is really interesting.

It makes Dazai Osamu's boring life irresistibly addictive.

This time, he did not try to contact Zenin Tomie like he had just entered the banquet. Instead, he warned Zenin Tomie from a distance: "Doraemon,

my special ability is called [Disqualification in the World], and it can erase many special abilities. Of course, it seems that the priority of my superpower is far lower than that of the adult who exerts a special influence on your thinking." "Only within a short period of time when I am in contact with you, my superpower can take effect

. The effect."

Dazai Osamu glanced indifferently at Fushiguro, who was easily defeated by his past feelings: "

I told you not to take off the blindfold so early. If you wait another ten minutes, Doraemon will be in a kissing state. It will stabilize again. If you listen to my advice seriously, you will not be tortured like this."

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