"I wanted to go back to that earlier but I wanted to wait for you to come to me first. Luckily I'm patient." He says to me and I roll my eyes at him.

"Shut up." I told him pushing past him to go into his room. I went and walked out to his balcony before sitting on the black soft couch that was pushed up against the wall of the actual house, he had a view of the garden in the backyard that I enjoyed. The big pool area, and the grill area next to it with a big tent and chairs and things underneath it as well as a built in fireplace and tv.

More in the distance was the maze. "I don't remember saying you could come in." He tells me coming to sit beside me, and he was pretty close as this couch wasn't that big, but he did still have a lot of room.

"You would've let me in anyway, I know you missed me." I told him with a smirk deciding to be bold. "You're not wrong." He tells me in his low and kind of seductive tone making me blush hard as my heart pounded.

"But I know you missed me too carino, didn't you?" He asked me in a sly tone as he had purposely got close to my ear as well as grabbing me by the waist as he whispered that into my ear.

I pressed my hand against his face pushing him away as I became flustered. "Stop!" I told him in a sort of whine, I was annoyed at how flustered I was getting from that.

"You're blushing." He tells me as he gently rubbed the back of his pointer finger on my left cheek making me blush more. But I let him do it, and suddenly we both became quiet, both of us just staring at each other and although I wanted to because my heart would burst in a second, I didn't look away because it felt like I wasn't supposed to.

After a while he licks his lips before smirking a little. "You're getting better at that." He tells me placing that hand that was on my face on my thigh, I couldn't tell if it was on purpose or not because we were close, so it's not like he could place it on the couch.

And I had shorts on, so the feeling of his warm hand made my body heat up as I felt my face getting even hotter. "What?" I asked him confused as he tilts his head to the left away from me a little and placed his elbow to sit on the back of the couch and letting his head rest in his hands.

"Eye contact. You used to avoid it." He tells me and I felt myself feeling giddy, like I was happy he noticed that about me for some reason.

"Stop talking." I told him looking away from him as I couldn't stand us holding eye contact anymore, I was already melting in the inside.

"Jake." He calls and I loved when he called me by my name, I don't know why but it gave me more butterflies than anything because he rarely actually says it.

I responded back with a hum going to look at him again. "Let me kiss you." He tells me and I start to blush again. I leaned in and gave him a peck before pulling away and going to look back toward the yard but he grabs my jaw before making me look at him again.

"That was a peck, not a kiss." He tells me. "Well how about you don't deserve a full kiss." I told him and he chuckles. "They not fair pup." He tells me and I know my face probably immediately turned red after he called me that.

He hadn't called me that since we were kids! "Ok fine." I told him and he grabs me gently by the jaw before starting to kiss me, sending pleasurable tingles all throughout my body.

I was luckily getting better at kissing. He soon pushed his tongue into my mouth and his tongue immediately rubbed against mine, and It felt as a he lit a fire in the pit of my stomach, spreading from the bottom of my body to the top as well.

I felt his hand grabbing onto my hip and he pushed me closer, and I followed his guidance before I was placed in his lap, and this made the situation more intense as I felt the heat from his body radiating off of him from how close we were.

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