Chapter 12 - Where is Suki???

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Salvatore: Then what?

Gianni: Fu**!! I think I forgot her over there...

Gabriel: Where? Where did you go with her? (His tone was cold and his gaze deadly menacing.)

Salvatore: How could you forget your own little sister!

Gianni: Fu**!! I was busy and she is so discreet... why didn't she call one of us... it's been hours!

Dante was quick to react and already calling her, but she couldn't answer, and he didn't know that. After what happened the other day, he installed, without her knowing, a tracker in her phone. He checked her position in the app.

Dante: Her phone is located here... it's weird... where is she?

Gianni: I went to the old factory in renovation.

Salvatore: Let's go! (He didn't waste time and left with his 3 sons.) Poor kid... she must be scared and think that we abandoned her.

They separated in two cars. Salvatore and Gabriel, and Gianni with Dante. When Dante sat on the passenger seat of his brother's car, he found Suki's school bag. He looked inside.

Dante: Her phone is here, with her wallet too. Gianni, you screwed.

Gianni: You think that I left her there on purpose? No, I didn't! But why do you care, I thought that you were against having that kid in our house!

Dante: Now, I don't really care if she lives in our house, as long as she doesn't put her nose in my business... but Dad does care, and I think it is what matters here!

Gianni: Fu** having to take care of a kid is a pain in the ass!

Dante: Iagree but we don't really have a choice! (He texted Enzo and asked him to check if there was CCTV around thefactory.)

The ride in Gabriel's car was silent. Salvatore was stressed and it was not something that happened often. He was usually the one inspiring fear in others. Gabriel was focusing his attention on the road, but inside, he was hoping that his newly found little sister was fine.

The 20 minutes separating the house from the building seemed an hour for them. When the two cars parked, there was still a power company van parked near the entry, but the place didn't seem lightened. 

Gabriel: Gianni, do you still have people working at this hour?

Gianni: Maybe, I asked them to accelerate the renovation.

Salvatore: Where did you let her?

Gianni: Upstairs, in my office. I asked her to not move so she must still be there.

Salvatore: I really hope for your that it is the case!

Dante: That kid is giving me headaches!!

The four men entered, and Gianni switched the power on, but nothing happened. It was pretty dark.

Gabriel: What's wrong? Switch the lights on!

Gianni: It's not working. They are probably working on it.

They heard someone talking on a phone and immediately, Gabriel and Dante has their guns out, pointing its at the voice.

Man: The power installation is too old, there is too much work to do, and I don't know where that stupid Joe went!

Dante: Don't move! (The man froze.) Who are you and what are you doing here? (His tone was menacing.)

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin