Chapter 12: Finale

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Ash: "There's nothing to talk about, Serena. And how the heck did you know I'd be here now?"

Serena: "Last night, you told me the time you'd be leaving, remember? I've been here for 18 minutes. And I know this big hill we're on top of is the fastest way to get to the airport."

Ash: "Whatever. Thanks for stopping by. Now, I need to get going."

Serena: "Ash, please. I need to speak with you. You can't do this."

Ash: "I can do whatever I want."

Serena: "I know your heart's been broken many times, but is this really the best response? Will leaving Sinnoh before you're done at the academy really help this to go away?"

Ash: "It's never going away. But if I leave, I can just forget about it. I gotta travel. I gotta keep moving around. Staying still will just make things worse."

Serena: "Satoshi, I really think that leaving will actually make things worse. You'll miss everyone. You'll miss your good memories here. And your pain will come back even stronger."

Ash: "What are you, a therapist? You don't know my life! I'm done talking! My flight leaves in about an hour and I have a lot to do!"

Serena: "NO, ASH! YOU CAN'T LEAVE! I don't want you to go!"

Ash: "Why would I give a crap about what you think? You repeatedly lie to me and at this point, you straight sicken me."

Serena: *whimpering* "A-- Ash... d... don't go..."

Ash: "Bye, Serena."

He briskly walks down that steep hill.

Serena: *screaming* "ASH!!!"

Ash looks at Serena one more time, and makes his way towards the airport.

Serena: "AAAASH!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!!!!!" *she starts to run after him*

Serena: *suddenly screams*

Serena loses her footing and falls down that hill, which was about 9 feet above the lower ground.

She rolls a few times before coming to a stop; she lays there, unable to get herself up.

Serena: *tries to reach her hand out* *weakly* "A-- Ash! Please come back!"

Ash turns, sees her, turns back around, and continues to the airport.

Serena gives up calling after him and tries to get up, which is difficult, due to her right leg. After trying a couple of times, she looks up.

Ash: "Grab my hand. I'll help you up."

Ash helps her to her feet.

Serena: "Umm... thank you..."

Ash: "You're welcome... Wow... You really want me to stay, don't you?"

Serena: *limping slightly* "Y-- Yes. Very much."

Ash: "You gonna be ok?"

Serena: "Yeah. It's my ankle. It'll be all right."

Ash: "Well... umm... no one's ever gone through this much trouble for me."

Serena: "Ash, I meant what I said. We need you at the academy. This doesn't have to be your response to your pain."

Ash: "I don't know. Even if you're right, still... it's more pain than you think. I dealt with this all through my childhood, too. Losing people important to me just... it's one of the toughest things I go through. It's normally spaced out quite a bit; this is the first time two of these heartbreaking moments happened to me so close together. I just gotta do what's right for me."

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