Loving Every Minute

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Third Person POV:

F1 Summer Break, 2022

Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California

Y/N emits a groan at the prospect of having to get out of bed, a playful protest against the intrusion into his peaceful morning

Hailee: Come ooon...wake up, sleepyhead. Our families are coming soon.

Y/N: I hate Mondays...

Hailee smiles and decides to compare him to a character who also despises Mondays

Hailee: Okay Garfield, get up.

Y/N: Just five more minutes...pretty please?

Hailee: Nope...you slept way too much, young man.

Y/N then gets up and starts stretching

Y/N: You're...cruel.

Hailee: Hey, you're the one who had the idea in the first place. Now, go brush your teeth and take a shower.

Y/N: I love it when you're bossy.

Hailee: Get in the bathroom already...

Y/N smiles and challenges his girlfriend

Y/N: Or you'll do what?

Hailee, in response, leaned in and whispered something in Y/N's ear, something that, for the sake of family-friendly content, remains unspoken but left Y/N with a knowing smile and a shared understanding of their playful dynamic

Hailee, in response, leaned in and whispered something in Y/N's ear, something that, for the sake of family-friendly content, remains unspoken but left Y/N with a knowing smile and a shared understanding of their playful dynamic

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Y/N: I think I'm gonna take my bath now...

After his morning routine, Y/N heads downstairs and sees his parents and Hailee's parents sitting by the table

Y/N: Good morning, people. Sorry I'm late

Griffin, with a teasing smirk, couldn't resist a playful jab at Y/N's hairstyle

Griffin: No wonder...you style your hair this way, of course you're gonna get late.

Y/N laughs sarcastically

Y/N: Uhh...excuse me? My hair is beautiful.

Griffin: For the 80s, maybe. But we're in 2022. You look like...if Jax Teller and Gordon Gekko had a baby.

Y/N turns looks at his father and jokes

Y/N: This is the part where you say "Objection! Badgering the witness".

Harvey smirks 

Harvey smirks 

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