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Third Person POV:

Schumacher Homestead, Gland, Switzerland

May 25th, four days until Monaco Grand Prix

(A/N: I'm gonna cut some onions)

Mick is having a pleasant drive on the Swiss countryside, Ella sat beside him, her hand resting lightly on her slightly rounded belly, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Ella: I can't wait to meet your family. I really hope they like me.

Mick: They're going to love you. Especially my sister when we tell them the big news.

When they arrive, Ella steps out of the car, her gaze drifting over the meticulously manicured gardens that surrounded the property. The gentle rustle of leaves and the distant chirping of birds created a harmonious backdrop, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere of the Schumacher family home.

Corinna Schumacher opens the door, her warm smile reflecting the same kindness that Mick had always exuded. Her eyes lit up as she approached, welcoming them both with open arms

Corinna: Mick, my dear. it's so good to have you back home.

She hugs her son and looks at Ella and gives her a hug

Corinna: And you must be Ella. Mick has told us so much about you.

Ella: It's so nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Schumacher.

Corinna: Oh please, skip the formalities. Call me Corinna.

Gina-Maria, Mick's sister, appeared at the doorway, her happiness contagious as she rushed forward to envelop them both in a spirited embrace

Gina: Mick, you naughty boy. You didn't tell me you were bringing someone. I'm Gina-Maria, but everyone calls me Gina. It's so nice to finally meet the girl my little brother talks about so fondly.

Ella: It's nice to meet you too, Gina.

The four of them enter the huge Swiss mansion

During the joyful reunion at the Schumacher homestead, the only notable absence was Michael, the legendary F1 champion. He had been in a coma since a tragic skiing accident in 2013, and despite the passage of time, his presence was deeply missed. The atmosphere at the family estate held a bittersweet quality, as everyone was aware of the void left by his absence.

Corinna: Your father would have loved meeting her, Mick.

She looks at a family photo from the time Michael was still here and wipes a tear off her face

Ella felt a profound sense of respect for the family's resilience and unity in the face of their shared tragedy. While Michael might not be physically present, his legacy lived on, and Mick's journey in F1 was a testament to said legacy

Mick and Ella exchange looks as to who was going to tell the big news

Mick: We have something very special to tell you guys. Ella?

Ella takes a deep breath

Ella: I'm three months pregnant.

Both Gina and Corinna gasp as they're taken by surprise

Corinna's eyes welled with tears of happiness as she enveloped both Mick and Ella in a heartfelt embrace

Corinna: Oh my God, this is wonderful news!

Gina: I'm going to be an aunt!

Following the joyous announcement of Ella's pregnancy, Corinna led Mick and Ella to another part of the family estate. The atmosphere in the room grew somber as they approached a private area of the house, where the legendary Formula 1 champion, Michael Schumacher, was still in a state of deep unconsciousness

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