A Thanksgiving Feast...

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These events take place in the future of this story...please enjoy and happy holidays...also I apologize for publishing this page so late after Thanksgiving...I had some stuff going on and I couldn't finish until now.



Sixteen years has gone by since my husband and I decided to give It a chance...the day that I gave birth to our twin boys...Halo and Her̀o Yagi-Bakugou...we took our time with getting to know more about each other before re-doing the whole courting process...I wasn't going to let Katsuki half ass It this time...there was more in tact then just our undying feelings for one another.

After several months of him going back and forth...we finally decided that It was time to try us again...I of course had my guards up for awhile...I wouldn't allow myself to be left alone with Katsuki for a bit because I knew...I knew how I was when It came to him...I had a hard time controlling myself...so we spent time together with the babies present...once the little ones went to sleep...Kacchan went to his room and I went to mines.

A year or two later...we were planning our grand wedding...we didn't want anything to big or flashy but with him being the symbol of hope...the number one hero...that small quiet wedding became a wishful dream...paparazzi's were lined up outside of our home...outside of the church and some even broke the rules of sneaking inside to take pictures of our private ceremony.

Word got out that Katsuki Bakugou was getting married and that he had a family...It took him a while to calm down...he tracked down the source of his troubles before setting everything straight...things died down slowly...and then there was Jessica...I had kept in touch with her up until I decided to move back in with Katsuki...she ranted about how he was no good and how he was just going to hurt me again.

I listened to her words and thought them over carefully...I took everything she had to say into account...but in the end I still chose him and my children...Jessica cut all connections with me after that...she said that she couldn't stand by and watched as I let Katsuki hurt me again.


Sixteen years went by and we are still going strong...he hasn't stepped out once and he doesn't look at anyone else the way he looks at me and our pups...he kept his promise from all those years ago.


I sat patiently inside of the living room...in my mahogany plushed chair with my hands rubbing soothingly over my bulging belly...I licked my plump swollen lips for what felt like the hundredth time since this morning...my wide eyes watched as Kacchan checked the fat juicy bird inside of the oven...my eyes moved quick when he moved his hands towards the pumpkin pie that was cooking right beside It.

My greedy butt had no boundaries when It came to Kacchan's food...no one can make a feast the way he can...I could vaguely hear movement beside me but didn't bother looking to see who or what It was...all of my focus was on the delicious food being cooked inside of the kitchen "...Papa you got It bad...shameful" I hummed softly without taking my eyes off of my husband...I didn't want to miss a damn thing.


After waiting almost all day for everything to be prepared and cooked...I was finally able to watch as Kacchan and the boys brought everything from the kitchen to the dining room...my hands flexed and stretched as I eyed the first scoop of gravy smothered mashed potatoes being put onto a unclaimed plate...I was ready to pounce on whoever thought that they were going to get to It first...that plate was mine.

Kacchan looked at me before shaking his head with a fond smile upon his handsome features...I gave him my best bakugou scowl while holding my hands out...letting him know that he'd better do as I say or It was going to be hell to pay "...Be patient Papa...we're all hungry here...just chill out..." I didn't even spare my Alphan pup a glance while accepting the hefty plate that was given to me.

As soon as It was placed on my lap I went all in...I didn't hold back for nothing...I tore through the tender juicy turkey meat while stirring the garlic mashed potatoes that was mixed with my sweet corn...I eyed the generously large piece of ham that sat front in center on my plate...I turned my eyes to my husband and purred loudly before continuing to devour my meal.


Two and a half plates later had me feeling satisfied and sated...I couldn't hear my children arguing back and forth about what was going to be watched on the Television...I didn't care about what to watched...I just wanted to relax and bask in my glow of being full "How about we let your Papa choose...see what he wants to watch..." I opened my eyes and waved my hand...let them know to leave me be.

I was content and calm...my stomach shifted and rumbled as I turned a bit to get comfortable in my seat "...I'm not watching anything...I'm sleepy..." I commented while yawning softly...I was ready to crash at any minute...I felt Kacchan run his large finger through my hair before lifting me into his arms with ease...I slowly wrapped my arms around his shoulders and stuffed my face into his neck.

Inhaling his musky scent...hummed as I began to place soft and gentle kisses against his glands...I moved behind his ear before kissing his sharp jawline "You two can watch whatever you want but don't stay up to late...be in bed before ten pm...alright?" I heard my husband tell our children as he moved towards the hallway that led to our bedroom.

They hummed and began to talk amongst each other before agreeing on watching whatever It was that they picked...I wasn't focused on anything else other then my wonderful husband...he had my full and undivided attention "...Keep licking me like that and your gonna find yourself in a all to familiar position omega..." Kacchan hushed out as he closed our bedroom door behind him.

I mewled softly into his ear before I gently bit down onto It...earning a throaty growl from my Alpha...I giggled when he placed me down onto our bed...his body flexing under his clothes as he stood back up...I watched as he removed his shirt before tossing It somewhere...his hands moved slow until they were at his jeans...unbuttoning them...I watched closely as he reached his hand in before pulling himself out.

I moaned as he removed his pants along with his briefs before removing my clothes as well...he didn't waste any time before joining me on our bed...we made love into the night...passion so enlightening and strong...one of the many ways that we express our love for each other...and when we were done Kacchan held me within his strong arms...making sure that I felt secure within his embrace before we both fell into a silent and wonderful slumber.



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