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Hey everyone
Hope u all are well and healthy.

Well I wanna ask u a question ⁉️

Well, I want to know if anyone of u can suggest some of the bts ff of Mafia

Like some good ones 😄

And also I want to know about the name of the ff if anyone knows about it in which
The Mafia tae became obsessed with a blind girl and that girl also had a dog who usually protects her.

Actually it's a whole series and I wanna know about the author please .

Tell me if anyone knows.

Also suggest the best of bts Mafia obsession ff.
I love to read it.

By the way I will try my best to upload the next part really soon.

Luv u all 😘😘😘😘

Mafia's lost sister (BTS ff)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora