xix. pages turned, bridges burned

Start from the beginning

Daisy pointed at the door. "And where was he the whole time?"


In a matter of seconds, Daisy was storming out of the room. She glared up at her husband and yelled, "Pack your shit up."

She slammed shut the door behind her, leaving Eddie and Ellie alone once again. The bassist gave his girlfriend a confused look and asked, "What the fuck happened last night?" He sat up and threw a shirt on before rushing toward the door.

"A lot." Ellie vaguely said and followed him so they could see what the hell Daisy was going to do.

"You left me in the fucking shower!"

Everyone was standing in their doorway at that point, all of them completely stunned by the outburst. Ellie and Rod were the only ones who knew what actually happened.

"I said pack your shit up and get out of here!"

"No." Nicky told her confidently. Ellie immediately knew that he was fucked.

Her eyes widened when Daisy grabbed a glass figure that stood in the middle of the hallway and threw it against the wall right next to Nicky's head. She pushed him back to get him to leave and he grabbed her arms, pushing her back. Just when he lifted his hand in the air to hit her, Warren, Billy, Eddie and Graham jumped in front of her and pushed him away.

Warren pointed at him in a threatening manner and spat out, "You heard the lady." Ellie rarely saw him get angry. But when he did get angry, he was genuinely scary. "You heard her."

"You're making a huge fucking mistake." Nicky shouted and glared at Daisy. She stayed silent and he slowly picked up the bags that she threw out of their room and into the hallway. "You'll regret this."

Eddie made and attempt to place a comforting hand on Daisy's shoulders at Nicky walked away but she brushed him off. Still, she was practically shaking in the middle of the hall. The four men walked away, realizing that she did not want their comfort. That was when Karen walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her. Meanwhile, Ellie stood on the other side of the hall, too afraid to swallow her pride and get her ago hurt. She was sure that Daisy was going to push her away which was why she chose to stare from the sidelines.


ELLIE: Watching Daisy perform after that was depressing.

We didn't really talk a lot after that. We didn't even fight. It was almost as if we were finally at peace.

Graham and I were a different story. We didn't even talk for two months and when we did...things were said that could never be taken back. That's on him.


"You are acting like a child, you know." Graham told her. Ellie was sitting on the curb next to the party bus because it got too much for her. She needed air and peace if she was going to stay sober.

That was the first thing he said to her in months.

She threw her cigarette on the ground and stepped on it before looking up at him and raising an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"You are acting like a child." He repeated and scoffed to himself. "I'm your brother, Ellie. We are family. We aren't supposed to get this mad at each other."

"Oh, I'm the child?" Ellie raised an eyebrow, completely unimpressed by his lack of apology. "I am not your seventeen year old big sister anymore. I am not going to clean up after you and I am not going to forgive you after you fuck up just because you look at me like some kind of kicked puppy. You are a grown up, Graham. Act like it and own up to your fucking mistakes."

long story short ❪ DAISY JONES & THE SIX ❫ ✓Where stories live. Discover now