v. high all the time

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high all the time;❛ LONG STORY SHORT ❜❝ do you love her? ❞

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high all the time;
❝ do you love her? ❞


J: What do you remember about the tour?

ELLIE: (Frowns) Not enough.

KAREN: Too much.

ELLIE: I promised you that I would be brutally honest with you. And I will be. But, full disclosure, I think I was drunk for too much of the tour to remember that much. I only remember Karen. The memories with her and the day that Camila arrived at the only moments that grounded me at the time.

The first couple of cities that we performed in were incredible. The crowd was not as big as it was during the second tour but it was still overwhelming at first. After the concerts, we would drink until morning or until we blacked out.

It's hard to realize when one of us has a problem if we are all drinking and taking drugs. We are too blinded by our own high to notice someone else's lows. That's why I don't blame anyone for not pulling me out and telling me to get help before Eddie during the second tour. Everyone had their own shit to worry about. I was just the one who couldn't handle her liquor. (Smiles a bitter-sweet smile) Maybe Billy and I got the alcoholic gene from our dad.

EDDIE: I think that I stopped turning to drugs and alcohol sometime during the last few months of the second tour. It makes sense because I only realized how toxic me staying in the band was when I sobered up. And I only realized how big of a mess Gabi was when I looked past the rose-colored glasses.

KAREN: Our relationship starting at the beginning of the tour was supposed to be the first red flag. We were supposed to know that things would not be the same after it was over. But we were young and (pauses) dare I say in love? (looks away from the camera) I know that I was, anyway.


"So, which one of the guys are you into? Warren or Eddie?" Karen asked Ellie, her tone laced with curiosity as a playful smirk danced on her lips. "'Cause you and Warren seem close but Eddie looks at you like you are the actual Sun."

She and Ellie were sprayed out across the latter's bed in her hotel room, doing something they didn't usually do: gossiping and talking about guys.

The two of them hung out a lot, but they were rarely alone. Which was why they rarely talked like that.

"Neither." Ellie chuckled at the mere thought. Warren was handsome and funny which was usually something she looked for in a short-term boyfriend. But he was her friend for a long time and she never felt a spark between them. Which was why she could never see herself throwing away years of friendship for sex. And Eddie? Eddie was...something else entirely. But she did not like to talk about it too much. "I'm not interested in anything serious right now. Especially with a guy. They are way too messy."

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