Canto X

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Canto X

Now onward goes, along a narrow path

  Between the torments and the city wall,

  My Master, and I follow at his back.

"O power supreme, that through these impious circles

  Turnest me," I began, "as pleases thee,

  Speak to me, and my longings satisfy;

The people who are lying in these tombs,

  Might they be seen? already are uplifted

  The covers all, and no one keepeth guard."

And he to me: "They all will be closed up

  When from Jehoshaphat they shall return

  Here with the bodies they have left above.

Their cemetery have upon this side

  With Epicurus all his followers,

  Who with the body mortal make the soul;

But in the question thou dost put to me,

  Within here shalt thou soon be satisfied,

  And likewise in the wish thou keepest silent."

And I: "Good Leader, I but keep concealed

  From thee my heart, that I may speak the less,

  Nor only now hast thou thereto disposed me."

"O Tuscan, thou who through the city of fire

  Goest alive, thus speaking modestly,

  Be pleased to stay thy footsteps in this place.

Thy mode of speaking makes thee manifest

  A native of that noble fatherland,

  To which perhaps I too molestful was."

Upon a sudden issued forth this sound

  From out one of the tombs; wherefore I pressed,

  Fearing, a little nearer to my Leader.

And unto me he said: "Turn thee; what dost thou?

  Behold there Farinata who has risen;

  From the waist upwards wholly shalt thou see him."

I had already fixed mine eyes on his,

  And he uprose erect with breast and front

  E'en as if Hell he had in great despite.

And with courageous hands and prompt my Leader

  Thrust me between the sepulchres towards him,

  Exclaiming, "Let thy words explicit be."

As soon as I was at the foot of his tomb

  Somewhat he eyed me, and, as if disdainful,

  Then asked of me, "Who were thine ancestors?"

I, who desirous of obeying was,

  Concealed it not, but all revealed to him;

  Whereat he raised his brows a little upward.

Then said he: "Fiercely adverse have they been

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