Chapter 1: Albtraum

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Screams. All I hear is screaming. And all I can do is hide under my bed, why can't I get up and help them, all I can do is watch them die, why? Why does everything go black... AHHH! The nightmare again. I dreamed about this day again, but why, it was already 10 years ago. Now no matter what time it is, it's already 7:30 a.m. SHIT!! I have to get ready quickly otherwise I'll be late again. Quickly change and then go to the kitchen. "Good morning, my dear, have you heard you scream again, the dream?" My grandma said in a gentle voice. I just nodded and wanted to grab something to eat, but my grandma said, "Look, I've already made something to eat for you. I thought you'd oversleep again" and smiled at me. Then my grandpa came in and said to her "Stop spoiling the boy so much, how is he ever going to learn to be on his own, he's already 16, he should be able to do something for himself" my grandma interrupted said "Now stop your daily complaining." I quickly ate everything and quickly brushed my teeth. What time are we ready 7:40 a.m. phew luckily. Click! The television turned on Grandpa had turned it on and wanted to watch the news when the word "devil" came up. I went to the television with interest and the presenter told me about an incident yesterday "A FIGHT! A fight between three hunters and a devil, thanks the hunter no dead" The moderator told that the devil was a 40 year old man and his wife told how he lost his control in the evening and became one. The devil's phenomenon in which people become monsters that tear everything apart and become almost invulnerable; only the hunters are able to kill them and redeem them... . I really have to go now, what time is it now... 7:50 AM SHIT I'M LATE!!! Bye, I have to go, I screamed and opened the apartment door and ran through the stairs and to the school. "Dude, when are you finally going to be able to come on time? I'm glad our teacher isn't here yet," said Marcel, a colleague of mine. He was actually much taller than me, 1.75 meters tall, I was only 1.65 meters tall, and he had a pretty athletic figure plus blonde hair that was tied in a braid. Marcel is a friend I've had for quite a long time, around 9 years, and he was also my best friend. I just laughed awkwardly and apologized and he said it didn't matter anyway. Class started at 8:05 and of course we chatted during the break. "Finally break" said Marcel and a female voice said: "You were just sleeping in class anyway" the voice came from Maja, a very good friend, she was about 1.59 tall and had a slim figure and a little longer than shoulder length brown hair wait. "You have to repeat it if you always sleep in class," she said, Marcel said, "I never worry about it, I've always managed it so far hahaha" and then he yawned, "You're really killing me," she said. Marcel continued to laugh and then Maja also changed the subject: "Have you seen the news today?" "Do you mean the fight between the three hunters against the one devil, it's embarrassing that it took three, I would definitely have done it alone," said Marcel "Shut up, only one would have to stand in front of you and you would run away yourself, but do you think that too something like that would happen to us?" Maja asked "Who knows in this world it can happen to anyone" I said "You're right but the idea of becoming something like that scares me" said Maja "Don't think about it so much otherwise you'll just destroy yourself enjoy "Just live your life to the fullest" I said "EXACTLY Aris was right" said Marcel and then the bell rang and the lesson continued. One more minute and it's finally over. "And don't forget the test tomorrow" ... Ding dang Dong "I wish everyone a nice day" "FREEDOM AT LAST!!" Marcel shouted. “Be quiet, we only had six hours today,” said Maja. “Six hours of my life in captivity,” said Marcel. “Are you that hungry too?” I asked "Shall we go out to eat?" Marcel asked. Of course, kebab as always? I asked, “Sure, Maya, are you coming with us too?” Marcel asked, "Yes, I'll be back soon. I just have to hand something over to the office," she said, "Should we wait for you?" I asked, "We'll start without me," she said, "but don't be mad again if we start without you," she said Marcel and Maja said in an angry tone "I never am, see you soon" "Oh never mind, she'll come after Marcel" I said and we set off. "Why do you always argue like that?" I asked Marcel and he said "I don't know, she's always so upset, I'll

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