32. Meteor Wedding

Start from the beginning

It was quite a fancy event, so it was good that in the end Peter and William obliged to wear the suits their mother bought. The Pettigrews arrived just like asked, at 01:00pm, and were greeted with great respect. Sometimes it was easy to forget how admired Edwin Pettigrew really was when he was your father who you saw every day. They literally had to stop every five seconds because someone would say hi and exchange a couple of pleasantries with his dad.

Peter's first impression of Rodolphus wasn't great, he seemed very composed and polite, but cold at the same time, like he just acted. Peter supposed that it was just the pureblood family way of upbringing that resulted in the groom being like that.

He tried looking for Sirius in the big crowd, there must have been at least two hundred people there, but his search ended when it was announced that the ceremony will be starting.

There were left and right rows of eight seats in front of the altar where a Wizarding Officiant waited. The Pettigrews were seated in the fifth row on the right, but Peter was still able to see and recognize the dark, curly hair in the front. Only problem was, there were two heads of the familiar hair which confused him a great deal, but then he remembered that Sirius had a brother. His name was something starting with R, something like... Reptilius? No, no, it wasn't that, maybe...Realius? That didn't sound correct either... Regulus? Yes, that was it.

The ceremony started with Bellatrix soon-to-be Lestrange walking down the aisle. She was in a black wedding dress, probably some Black family's tradition, Peter thought to himself as she passed their row. Truth be told, Sirius did describe her perfectly. There was just something crazy radiating off of her and her sharp movements didn't really help the case. Her face was quite beautiful, similar to Sirius' but more feminine, but she somehow seemed ruthless compared to Sirius' joking manner. Bellatrix was somewhat crazy even when we were children, his friend's words echoed in Peter's head.

Soon enough, the ceremony was over and, in Peter's opinion, it was the coldest and most loveless ceremony he had ever seen. Both, groom and bride, didn't even say their vows. Okay, they did, but they weren't vows, they were an old pureblood oath with which they swore to uphold the purity of their noble blood and ensure that the same will be done with their children in the future, which was pretty creepy.

Peter set on his mission to find Sirius once more, but this time, luck was on his side.

"Sirius!", he yelled couple of meters from the boy.

Sirius quickly turned, like he recognized Peter's voice. After all, he expected to see him there since Peter wrote to him as soon as he found out about the wedding invitations.

There was a huge grin on Sirius' face as he and Peter hugged dramatically, "My friend!", the curly haired boy pretended to sob, "You have found me at last!"

Peter, of course, join in on his theatrics, "Of course, my lost companion. Who would I be if I just left you alone!"

When the dramatic greeting was over and the two stepped back from each other, Peter noticed the other head of curly, black hair he saw at the ceremony, "Hello.", he smiled at the little boy, "My name is Peter. Sirius told me a lot about you Reptilius."

As soon as he said it, Peter covered his mouth while Sirius bursted into laughter, although his brother didn't seem to share his sense of humor because he frowned at Peter, "Sure, I can see that since you know my name."

There was a lot of irritation in his tone which made Peter try to justify himself immediately, "In my defense, he refers to you as his dear brother whom he loves the most.", he tried to play it out with dramatics which seemed to work. At those words, the boy's face instantly relaxed and small smile became visible on his lips.

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