Call On Me and slow realization

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Simon Ghost Riley P.O.V

Ella comes up behind me triggering a natural response at this point. I end up pining her against the closet wall with one arm across her chest while hand has my switch blade against her throat. I growl near her ear how she should never sneak up on a solider I notice how her skin ends up chilled and more concerning how she didnt flinch having a knife to her throat but something else crossed her eyes so quick I couldnt place it. As I pull away, I notice ink on her left shoulder blade does she have a tattoo? I cant help but look her over once Soaps words echoing in my head how Aella isnt the 14-year-old girl we remember her by she is grown up 28 now soon to be 29. She goes to walk past me and I grab her arm stopping her I stand behind her as I move her hair to the right side seeing a crescent moon with flowers and chains almost like water droplets. She stands still in my grasp I cant help but trail my eyes from her shoulder up to the crock of her neck that is slightly tilted as she looks at her arm where Im holding on to her still.

Riley you can left go of me Im not a flight risk I promise. She half jokes pulling me from my thoughts I gently let her arm go.

When did you get a tattoo Aella? It comes out a bit more authoritative than I was aiming for.

When I was 16, why is it you all seem to forget Im not 14 anymore. I am after all only seven years younger than you are. She rolls her eyes while walking away God she is insufferable at times just like she was when we first met. It feels odd being her bodyguard Ive never been in her home and very little time in the United States to be honest Im not entirely sure what to do I have my orders and I can do the job but this is an awkward situation to say the very least. It was easier when she was working and we were in hotels. I hear her cell phone ring she picks it up and groans tossing it back on the counter. I look at her and the phone and back up to her raising my eyebrow waiting for her to explain without having to ask.

Not your concern Ghost. She slams the cabinet door shut clearly aggravated by the call judging her reactions this must be the boyfriend.ex-boyfriend Helen informed us of. I lean against the counter watching her make ice coffee knowing she is hiding something but I cant place what it is.

I dont need a babysitter you can leave Riley. She states simply as she starts drinking her coffee, how she isnt bouncing off the walls is amazing considering this her 5th glass today. I lean over and take her wrist while taking the glass from her pausing a second when I hear a sharp inhale. I sit the drink down moving my hand to her elbow knowing well enough she wont speak damn woman is stubborn which would be a good trait if she was in the field but no, she is stubborn just naturally and it infuriates me to no end yetno Ghost dont your job to protect her not fuck her. I push her towards her bed making her sit on it beside me, once I let go of her she stands up trying to avoid me I grab her waist pulling her back. God her skin is so soft underneath my harden calloused hands I pull her back a bit harder than I intend to making her land in my lap. Once again, she tries to leave not saying a word this time, I wrap my arm around her waist even though she tries to get free again.

Aye for fucks sake hold still for once woman. I growl in her ear torn between anger annoyance and getting turned on by her. She freezes up on my order making me want her even more.

Good girl. I whisper in her ear causing her breathing to get messed up.

Now roll up your sleeves. Instead of listening and making this easy she pulls them over her hands holding onto them for dear life. I sigh letting her up while keeping my arm on her waist I turn her around and see tears threating to leave her eyes knuckles turning white from holding onto her sleeves so tight. I sink to my knees in front of her slowly working her fist open as she shakes her head no looking any where but at me. I move the right sleeve seeing a bunch of bruises on her arm like someone grabbed her and squeezed, I move to her left arm and see multiple stitches. I start to push the hem of her sweat shirt up but pause searching her eyes for permission. She nods slightly I push it up seeing fading and healing bruises that are extremely deep I feel my blood get hot. How the fuck could he do this to her?! She is everything rolled into one person, she puts everyone ahead of her shes everything a man should want. She is non-judgmental, sweet chaotic stubborn quick witted sharp tongue, everything I wish I was. I lift my mask to the bridge of my nose before leaning forward and kissing both palms of her hands at once.

Ill make sure youre never hurt again Aella. Where is that dipshit asshole Im going to kill him. I let my anger show I dont care Im going to beat the shit out of him when I find him. Im pulled from my thoughts as I feel her cold hands touch my jaw and cheek before sinking down to look me dead in my eyes. For a few moments that seem like a lifetime she seems lost in my eyes. She looks like she wants to say something but just remains silent for what feels like another life time.

Dont do anything. Please Ghost Im begging you Ill be fine I always am. Her voice shakes and her eyes are glossed over with tears not yet falling she is subconsciously picking at her stiches faking a smile. I place my hands over hers moving them to my chest and replace my hands over her wounds. I know broken when I see it. I refuse to allow her to go through this alone. I know she is strong and hates people seeing her weak like this but by God, I cant watch her destroy herself like I have shutting off to the world. I thought having my family murdered and being buried alive was the worst life could do till now past wounds opening up all over.

I wont let you shut the world out Aella Thomas. She still holds eye contact while her bottom lip starts to tremble finally letting the tears fall. I pull her into my chest resting my chin gently on top of her head one hand wrapped around her waist rubbing her back softly the other holding her head while she cries.

Im here Aella whatever you need. I wrap my arms around her moving her cautiously like she is a porcelain doll and stretch out my legs and pull her onto my lap only letting go to grab the comforter off her bed to wrap us in. Fuck her house is cold I make a mental note to check the furnace later. After a while she settles fully exhaustion washing over her body eyes growing heavy with every breath, I study her and notice she has her ear pressed against my chest almost as if listening to my breathing is soothing to her so I just focus on keeping my breath steady and not on the bastard who brought this on to her. I can deal with him later right now my girl needs me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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