"I'm taking the picture." She insisted and stood up, grabbing my phone from me, without consent from me. I sighed but decided I would break the tradition and allow her to take the picture, it's not like it's that big a deal. She took the picture and smiled, handing my phone back to me.

I posted the picture on Instagram and twitter captioned 'She forced me to let her take the picture. But look how cute our Christmas tree is !'

"So," Jenny came behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "did you decide where we will be having Christmas dinner and all that craic?" She asked me and I chuckled because I was rubbing off on her. The posh Brit I once met was now using an Irish slang word. Good work Horan, good work.

"Uhm, I think we will go to Ireland, unless you wanna stay here? I mean it is up to you, I don't wanna drag you outta this country if you don't wanna." I politely said.

"As long as I'm with you, Ni, I will be happy." She turned to face me and placed her hands on my chest, rubbing over it gently. I looked down and watched her hands quite liking that.

"Ireland it is then." I grin and kissed her cheek but she moved her face so I kissed her lips instead. "You're sure now, because I'm going to tell me mammy and if I do then there's no turning back, she'll be makin' us go whether she has to come here an' drag us by the hair." I chuckled and stroked her hair.

"Yes Niall, I'm positive, 'kay?" She smiled and stroked my cheek with the pad of her thumb before kissing my lips briefly. I nodded and smiled brightly because she actually wanted to spend Christmas with me, in Ireland.

I never thought when I met this girl almost nine months ago I never comprehended that she would be spending the next Christmas with me in my childhood home.

Although, when I first met her I never even thought I'd be in love with her; but look where I am. I don't regret it in any way though. She's the love of my life. I never loved anyone like I loved this girl. I was scared at first, scared of getting hurt but she showed me that I can be loved like I can love. All I had to do was trust her.


"Niall, I'm cold." Jenny complained, rubbing her bare forearms as we left the airport in Dublin.

"Why didn't you bring your jacket, you tit." I rolled my eyes at her but then started to feel sorry for her because she began to shiver.

"I did but it's in your suitcase." She said, pointing to my suitcase.

"Why is it in my suitcase?" I raised an eyebrow.

"There wasn't enough room in mine." She simply stated, shrugging her shoulders. I started to laugh at the fact she over packed and probably has half her clothes in my suitcase.

"Here." I sighed and took off my zip-up hoodie wrapping it around her shoulders and hugging her tight. "Right there you go, now I'm cold so come on, let's get our rental car." I stated and we went and got our car. Jenny got into the passenger side while I had the job of putting our suitcases into the boot. Where's Paul and my bodyguard when you need them.

"Wow." I blew out a breath of air once I was in the car. "I'm fucked already and I still have to drive down." I sighed deeply and turned on the heating in the car, rubbing my hands together to try heat myself up.

"I would drive but I don't know where we're going, sorry." Jenny apologised.

"Why're ya saying sorry, you don't have t' babe." I chuckled and started up the car. "You can sleep if you want, i'll be okay here." I shrugged and plugged my phone into the auxiliary plug so I could listen to my own music.

Hired |N.H|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora