Chapter 30: The Drunken Alpha

Start from the beginning

Song Jing guided him into the living room and settled him on the couch.

"Shen, I'll prepare some sobering tea for you before assisting you upstairs."

"Mhm," the man on the sofa murmured softly.

Sitting upright, had it not been for his unusually glazed eyes, Song Jing would have doubted if he was drunk.

Returning from the kitchen shortly, the omega brought a bowl of sobering tea to the man's lips.

The muscles on the omega's face tensed slightly, betraying his nervousness.

He Yu Shen was aware of his inebriated state, feeling top-heavy.

Attempting to stand, he found himself weakened. Trying to open his eyes, he could only discern a blurry figure before him.

One silhouette doubled, as if some illusion was at play, straining his eyes.

He realized his intoxication was causing him to see double.

"Shen, let me help you upstairs to rest."

A faint blush crept onto the alpha's typically stoic face, his clouded gaze growing slightly darker.

Anticipation surfaced on Song Jing's countenance.


The deep, raspy voice effortlessly stirred Song Jing's steady heart, causing it to palpitate.

"Not the bedroom..."


Song Jing supported him upstairs.

Even if He Yu Shen hadn't mentioned it, Song Jing wouldn't have taken him to the bedroom.

He had awaited this moment for so long. Having been beaten to the punch, he was far from satisfied.

As drowsiness clouded his mind, a growing warmth engulfed his body, a yearning emotion filling his thoughts.

Amid his hazy state, feeling overheated, He Yu Shen absentmindedly loosened his tie.

The omega stood by the bed, his head lowered, intently watching the alpha whose brows were slightly furrowed.

Raising his hand to the back of his neck, he peeled off a pheromone suppressor patch from its edge.

The citrusy aroma of the omega's pheromones permeated the confined space—a sweet and sour scent, significantly more potent than that of a lower-grade omega.

The pining pheromone grew stronger by the moment.

Influenced by the pheromones, the alpha on the bed had his eyes shadowed by a primal possessiveness.

"Shen, tonight I am yours."

The omega, half-undressed, shed more clothing with each step he took towards the bed.

The omega's pheromones saturated the air, intoxicating He Yu Shen, who hazily perceived the omega settling atop him.

Desire surged in He Yu Shen's eyes.

He intently stared at the blurry figure.

In his haze, he thought the omega wasn't typically this forward.

The room, immersed in the boundless darkness of the night, seemed to merge with it.

The alpha released his own pheromones, a dominant mint scent gradually permeating the air.

"Shen, mark me."

Song Jing leaned in, pressing his lips to the alpha's chiseled, seductive mouth.

He felt a sudden chill from the alpha's lips as his previously listless eyes suddenly turned cold.

Omegas with a delicate, slightly imperfect sugary scent weren't supposed to sound this saccharinely sweet.

Suddenly exerting force, the alpha beneath pushed the omega off, causing a muffled thud in the unseen darkness.


The alpha's pheromones left the one on the floor weakened. In the obscurity, Song Jing's incredulous gaze was hidden, but his puzzled voice was evident.

Struggling, He Yu Shen rose. The room's citrusy scent assaulted his senses, causing him to frown in displeasure.

Panic flashed across Song Jing's face as he hastily stood up.

"Shen... don't leave."

All Song Jing received in response was the sound of the door shutting firmly.

He Yu Shen staggered out, with the corridor walls seemingly spinning around him.

Guided by instinct, he headed towards a familiar place.

Nan Yi was sound asleep. Feeling chilly in the middle of the night, he groggily tried pulling the blanket over himself.

The corner of the blanket pinned down resisted his tug, allowing him only enough to barely cover his abdomen.

Just as I was drifting into sleep beneath the freshly drawn covers, I was jolted awake by the sound of something striking.

Nan Yi shot up abruptly, his eyes half-closed, mistaking it for an earthquake.

A rush of minty scent filled the room. Through the dim light in the corridor, a vague shadow by the door was discernible.

He Yu Shen? (I kept this as is because it seems like a proper noun.)

As the door was rudely slammed shut once again, Nan Yi instinctively recoiled.

Most of his sleepiness was scared away.

Such a potent pheromone.

Is He Yu Shen in his heat cycle again?

After the substitute marriage, Little Dumb becomes a  big boss palm treasureWhere stories live. Discover now