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Avianas pov:

My plane had just landed in Germany and somehow I already missed home... God I would do anything to go back. When I had gone to the exit I saw a similar face. And there he stood, my father! "Aviana!" he yelled and motioned me to come over to him. I walked over and he wrapped his arms around me "You have gotten so big kiddo" he said and I chuckled. I loved my dad and we had last seen eachother around two years ago, but we always talked over the phone, so we never really lost contact with eachother "Hi dad" I mumbled with a smile as he let go of me. "Wanna go home?" he asked and I nodded. I knew he had a girlfriend now, I had been longing to meet her for months! We got into the car and I put in my earphones, turning on some music. It was raining out and I looked out the window. The view was really different to me. We drove into Hamburg and I couldn't help but look at all of the places I would like to visit once I settle in. It didn't take long before we got to my now so called "home". It was also something completely different than where I used to live back in New York. Me and my mom had a luxury beautiful apartment that was on the 10th story of a 15 story building, but this house was very cozy looking. It was a white color and had a light brown colored roof. "U wanna go inside?" my dad said and I nodded, we took my bags and went inside. As I walked into the house, a really good smell hit my nose, and there she was! My new stepmother. "Hello, my name is Tara! Your really pretty by the way. Aviana, correct?" She said as she looked at me while cooking something. I nodded at her "Nice to meet you Tara, and please... call me Avi" I smiled warmly at her and then my father said "Alright, I'll take you to your room" I nodded and followed him up the stairs into a bedroom. It wasn't the biggest but it wasn't small etiher, it had a big bed, a bathroom and a vanity. "This is really nice!" I said and put my bags down. "Tara really tried to do her best here, we didn't get much furniture since we thought you would want to come with us and choose it yourself." That was really sweet of them. My dad left shortly and I got a little area prepared, just like at home... Headphones, my laptop, a fuzzy blanket. It reminded me of the times when me and mom would snuggle up next to eachother and watch movies together... Before I knew it I was crying, but I calmed down in around thirty minutes. I noticed my bedroom had a small balcony so I walked outside, the cold breeze and wind hit me and I shivered slightly. The view from my balcony was to the neighbours balcony. A guy holding a cigarette walked into the balcony and not gonna lie... he was pretty. He had dreadlocks and was wearing a cap, his jeans were really baggy and so was his T-shirt. Suddenly the guy spoke to me "Hey, your new here? Never seen you around, I'm Tom." He said. "Aviana, nice to meet you too." I said and Tom nodded, before I had noticed we started talking and around two hours passed by. "Anyways, why did you move here anyways? If I lived in New York I swear I would never move to Hamburg." He said and chuckled. "Well, it wasn't my choice. But this place is nice what do you mean?" I said with a little smile, holding back tears when I thought of my mom. "It's not bad, but New York is better" Tom was not lying. New York was so much more full and crowded, while Hamburg was of course a lot calmer. "Avi! Dinner!" I heard my father yell from the kitchen. "And that's my sign to go. See you around, good night." I said with a small smile and he smiled back "Night flower." Flower... I liked that nickname... As I made my way downstairs I overheard my stepmother and dad speaking. "Aviana is really sweet, Hardin. I really hope she likes me." that made me smile. Tara was a very nice woman, my father would constantly tell me about her. I walked down and smiled at them both "What's for dinner?" "Chicken and rice, your dad told me you like it." Tara said with a sweet tone and I nodded at her. We all went to eat. After we ate I felt a little tired so we all said goodnight.

Authors pov:

Avi went up to her bedroom, and straight to her bathroom to take a shower. Today was a hard day to the girl, she was exhausted and wanted to cry all day. New York was where she felt she most belonged, with her mom and her best friend. The thought that her mom was gone made her want to disappear. She and her mother had a very close relationship, they were practically sisters. Avi got into the shower, the hot water on her skin felt like heaven. All of her thoughts left her head and she washed every part of her body with a flower scented body wash which she had bought around 10 bottles of before leaving America, as well as shampoo for her hair. She left the bathroom in her towel and went to her bags to get some fresh pjs. When the girl stood up, she saw Tom, once again on the balcony smoking. After Avi had changed, she went out to her balcony. "Hi flower." Tom said with a smile. The girl smiled back at him. "Hey. By the way, smoking is not good for you." Avi said. "I know, but it helps to calm down." he said and handed her the cigarette, she took a puff and then released the smoke from her mouth. They talked and smoked together until around 1AM. "I should go" the guy said and she nodded.

Avianas pov:

I walked back inside of my bedroom. Tom was great company and I really enjoyed his presence, we seemed to get along really well... "At least someone to keep me company." I said and got into my bed, covering myself with the warm, soft sheets. I drifted to sleep, hugging my old plushie.

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