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Toms pov:

I liked Avi. She was definitely something different from the other girls I talked to. Unlike them, with her I had an actual frendship and no intentions of doing... stuff... with her. Well not yet. Did I like her? Yes. Was I going to tell her that? Maybe. She walked out of my bathroom and smiled at me. "So, your like... in a band?" She asked me and I nodded. "Yeah, I play guitar. Why?" I asked the girl as she stood there with a smile. "Can I hear?" She asked. "Yeah, sure." I answered and got my guitar, plugged it in and started playing a little. When I looked up at her she had a huge smile plastered on her face. "Do you guys like, have a piano or something? I play a little but I couldn't bring it to Germany, sadly." She said and I thought about it for a second. Did we have a piano? Oh yes! Bills room. "BILL!" I screamed as I left my room and barged into his. "Where's the piano?" He looked at me, confused as fuck. "Why?" Bill said as he gor up from his bed. "Aviana plays and wanted to play a bit since she left hers back in America." I said and Bill nodded, going onto his closet and pulling out an electric piano. "Thanks lil bro." Bill scoffed as I left his room. "Your only ten minutes older!" I laughed at his remark and brought the piano into my room, plugged it in as aviana came up to it. "Damn, this is nice. Mine was a hand me down, but I loved it." She said with a small smile. God that smile. Wait what? Huh? What am I thinking about...

She started playing and I looked at her, mostly focused on her face. She looked happy, not like in the sort of way as she just liked playing the piano. She looked happy in a way you couldn't explain, just from her eyes you saw the little spark. As she stopped playing I started clapping and so did Bill from the doorway. How the- "How did you just appear there?" I asked with a confused face. "I'm magic?" Bill whispered mocking my confused face. Aviana burst out laughing. Bill left soon after and me and Aviana sat down. "So, what's it like?" I was a bit confused. "Being in a band?" Oh. That. "It's okay. I just feel like people see me as an Alien." She chuckled. "Damn... I always wanted to have my own band, well I used to... but that was back in America." She sighed. "What did you play?" I asked her and she smiled. "Well, originally I would play guitar, but time to time in some songs it would be piano. Also I used to sing with my best friend Hayden sometimes." She played guitar? "I quit guitar after a while though, it wasn't my thing." Oh. "Your like, really talented. You know that?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes playfully. "I wish, but I dunno. Making friends in Germany seems weird. Like Nicole is nice... But the others look at me as if I was purple or something." She burst out laughing and so did I.

She was really something...

𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora