chapter 28

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Next day

You got ready as today Jungkook decided to take you somewhere. So you wear a beautiful dress

 So you wear a beautiful dress

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(Your dress )

You come outside from bathroom and saw Jungkook sitting on bed

You come outside from bathroom and saw Jungkook sitting on bed

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Y/n : kookie get ready fast we have to go

Jungkook : where ( in morning voice)

Y/n : oh gosh did you forget that you promised me yesterday that you will spend time with me

Jungkook : oh actually I forgot that

Y/n : now get ready fast

Jungkook : if you want to spend time then we can also spend time in our room ( smirking)

Y/n : noooo I want to go outside

Jungkook : we will go later let's spend some time here

Y/n : don't talk with me

Jungkook : huhhhh u girl but I will get only at one thing

Y/n : what

Jungkook : you have to take bath with me again

Y/n : no way I am already get ready

Jungkook : so what you can get ready again Don't worry I will help you to wear dress

Y/n : Jungkook no flirt right now let's go and get ready otherwise I will not talk with you again

Jungkook : really you want me to stop flirting really

Y/n : ( you blushed on his statement) Jungkook stop it

Jungkook : ookayyyyy

Then Jungkook went to bathroom and after sometime he come outside

Then Jungkook went to bathroom and after sometime he come outside

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( By wearing this )

Y/n : ohhh you lookkk soo handsome

Jungkook : I know I am but you are looking more beautiful than me

You flip your hairs on his statement

Y/n : let's go now

You both went outside at dining area

You both take table and started to eat you were very excited that today after a longtime you gonna spend time with kookie but who knows this happiness is just for few more minutes

You both were eating peacefully then suddenly lisa appear

Lisa : Jungkook you are here I was knocking on your room

Jungkook : yeah we were hungry so we come here

Lisa : but you don't call me

Jungkook : liar I called you but you didn't pick

You looked at Jungkook that when he call her

Then lisa check her phone and saw his missed call

Lisa : oh I see sorry kookie

She said while hugging him

You got jealous when she hug him

Now sit and eat breakfast

She sit with you two you got uncomfortable bcoz you want to spend every single minute with Jungkook

"Don't worry y/n you have whole day to spend with Jungkook" you said to yourself

Lisa : Jungkook where we go today

Jungkook : umm, I am taking y/n outside today

You got happy when he said

Lisa : where I will also go with you

"Oh godd this girll why God didn't she understands the meaning of privacy , kookieeeeeee plz say noooooo plz " you think

Jungkook : umm, okay

" Wait what what he said okay you Jungkook I will kill you " you think

Lisa : yes we will do enjoy now let's go

Jungkook : okay

You got sad

Again you were setting on backseat and feeling like a third people


I hope you guys like this part please don't forget to vote comment and share

My sweet and rude husband Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora