
mandi helps scott stiles and derek dump ice into a tub full of water they were at the animal clinic and had a plan for issac to get the memories he needs back. once they'd finished dumping the ice deaton and issac come over and deaton finishes explaining everything mandi was zoned out though she couldnt focus today, with everything going on she had forgotten to take her meds the past few days.
when mandi had snapped back out of her trance issac was in the trance and deaton was talking to him.
"i dont want to do that i dont want to do that." issac exclaims, the lights flicker causing everyone to look up at mandi, she shakes her head answering their silent question.
manfi watches as issac explqins everything to deaton. the lights start flickering again when he starts panicking. once hes calmed again deaton continues asking his questions. the lights flicker ever so often as deaton asks more question before they can finish getting information issac shoots up still in a trance the lights flickering faster as he panicks again. derek starts shouting at issac asking him where he is while deaton and scott tell him to let issac ho or he'll go into shock.
the lights start rapidly flickering annoying mandi to high heavens so she decides to try to stop the flickering. she was effectivly getting them to slow but when issac snapped out of the trance stating he saw the name of the bank. its like the energy was a rubberband and snapped back, it shocked her causing her to curse and grab her arm. her veins didnt just look like lightning now they felt like lightning and her heart beat sounded like thunder in her ears. she calmed her breath while everyone else tell issac that right before he came out he said that he was dragged to a room and inside was a body the body being erica.
mandi look out the small windows in the exam room she wat hed the thunder and lightning roll through the clouds luckily enough that calmed ger down and she could hear more than just her own heartbeat again.

"she not dead!" "derek he said 'theres a dead body its erica' doesnt exactly leave us much room for interpretation." "then who was in the vault with boyd?" "someone else obviously." "and maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle okay the one that saved you." "no she wasnt like us and whoever was in the vault with boyd was." "what if thats how erica died. they like pit them against eachother during the full moons and see which one survives its like werewolf thunderdome"
mandi watches the group dicuss everything while she stays quiet, she had said one thing the entire time and that was 'fuck' when the energy snapped back at her. of course this isnt like her she useally has some sarcastic comment to say about everything and even though derek had noticed her quietness he was a bit preoccupied with the fact that issac just told them that one of his betas is dead.
"its the internet derek. minutes." stiles says finally getting mandis attention. "that completely depends on what youre trying to find." "mandi did you listen to anything we said." "bits and pieces." she shrugs. "we're finding out how someone broke into the bank vault so that we can do it ourselves." "thats going to take longer than minutes." "maybe not if you help me." mandi shakes her head, "im tired im going home and then going to bed make scott help you." she says before getting up and walking out. stiles stands there in confusion while derek glares at him. "what?" stiles asks finally  noticing dereks glare. "go find whats wrong with her shes been off all day." "she has?" "yes! arent you supposed to notice these things you know being her brother and all?" "i guess yea- wait how did you notice." "shes just been off." derek shrugs. "why do you know what her on looks like?" scott tilts his heaf in confusion at stiles' question for derek. "i just do. now go find out whats wrong."
stiles complies rushing after his older sister finally cathing up to her and asking, "hay mands what up with you." "that a very nice question stiles thank you."  "mandi you know what i me-" stiles cuts himself off looking dowm at mandis hand that was softly but rabidly tapping her leg, his eyebrows furrow. "have you taken your meds today?" "uh no i forgot." "mandi." he groans. "i know i know. ill take them when i get home."


mandi stood with scott stiles and derek as they went over the plan stiles was showing the blueprint of the vault and how they first heist was done stiles was rambling about how the would need a drill to get into the vault through the wall.
"forget the drill." derek says cutting stiles off. "what?" "if i go in first how much space do i have?" "what do you think youre going to do derek? you gonna punch through the wall?"
"ding ding ding." mandi says pointing at her brother. "that exactly what he thinks hes going to do stiles." "you know i can talk for my self right mandi?" "dont complain you know you love my voice." she teases. derek rolls his eyes and turns to stiles crossing his arms. "yes stiles im going to punch through the wall." "okay big guy lets see it. lest see that fist. big old fist. make it come on. get it out there dont be scared." stiles says to derek who does as stiles says while peter watches from the stairs. "big bad wolf. yeah look at that. see this," stiles grabs dereks wrist and holds up his other hand a few inches away from dereks fist. "theres maybe three inches of room," derek looks over at mandi with a look that said everything. "its okay i give you the permission to punch him." mandi whisper so only derek could hear using his 'wolf powers' because he was focussing on her he turns back to stiles who was still talking. "...through solid-" he get cut off by derek punching stiles hand making him fall against the table and mandi burst out laughing. "aah!" stiles groans, "he could do it!"
"ill get through the wall. whos following me." "dont look at me im not up to fighting speed yet and honestly with issac out of commision your not looking at very good odds for yourself." peters says from the stairs. "so im just supposed to let them die?" "one of them is already dead." "we dont know that." "do i have to remind you what we are up against here? a pack of alphas all of them killers. if thats not enough to scare your testicles back to your stomach, try remember two of them combine bodies to make one giant alpha. im sure erica and boyd were sweet kids they gonna be missed."
"can someone please kill him again?" stiles asks making mandis hand shoot up into the air. "can i do it i wanna do it."
"derek, seriously, not worth the risk."
"okay moral of the story peter hale is a dipshit and shouldve stayed dead and this sounds like a sucide mission im in." mandi says from where she sat.
"what about you?" "well if you want me to-" "not you." "scott, right."
"i dont know about erica but if boyds still alive we gotta do something we have to try..." scott says, "but?" "whos the other girl? the one locked in there with boyd." "does it matter? the only person i know that deserves to be ripped apart during a fool moon is peter and hes right there so im good with saving whoever this girl is." mandi says making peter glare at her  and derek chuckle.


mandi stands behind scott and derek while scott says something about risk and reward. mandi didnt really care to listen so she was looking around and only turned her attention back to the two whe derek did a bunch of jumps to get to the ladder to climb to the roof. he stopped on the ladder to say, "and i wont blaim you two if you dont follow me." he addressed both scott and mandi but his eyes were locked with mandis he didnt want her to die to save his betas.
"well my first instinct is to follow you abd thats probably because i have a death wish and your always stumbling into near death experiences." mandi says before derek continues climbing and she follows. scott following shortly after


mandi steps through the hole in the wall that derek just rolled throuugh for whatever reason.
"boyd. boyd? its me its derek." derek says slowly incing his way towards boyd as scott answers stiles phone call. "we're here to get you out." "derek we got a problem a really big problem." scott says.
"i dont like this i dont like this at all." mandi says shifting closer to derek who subconsciously also moved closer to her.
"cora?" derek asks when the girl who was trapped with derek comes into view.
"who?" scott ask and mandi lokks at him and shakes her head telling him to stop. mandi knew who cora was because she had gone to highschool with derek. "cora?" he asks again. "derek get out, get out now!" cora tries to warn derek.
just then scott notices a mountain ash ring and someone opens the bank door finishing the mountain ash ring as cora and boyd attack the trio.

scott asks about cora as he derek and mandi stand against the wall.
"look out!" allisons voice snaps mandi back to attention as derej ducks and grabs mandis hand so that she is also out of the way of boyd who grabs scott instead. mandi feels a kick to her chest as cora kicks the girl against the far wall. mandi hits the wall and falls to the ground she was pretty sure that kick broke a few ribs and a couple other bones.
"no dont break the seal!" derek yells at allison who looks at scott and ignores derek breaking the seal and yelling boyds name making both boyd and cora run out of the vault. derek and scott go over to allison derek yells at allison as scott plays peacemaker but derek turns it around when he mentions allisons mom and tells scott to tell allison the truth. while allison asks scott what derek means derek goes over to the girl who is still in the vault sitting against the wall.
"you okay." "mhm you sister just broke a few of my ribs but im fine ill heal, eventually." she says wincing as she moves to stand up. derek bites the inside of his cheek. "i shouldve made you stay with stiles and peter." "its funny you think you would be able to make me do anything." "you need to go home and heal." "no i need to help you guys find boyd and cora. now help me up." she says extending her hamd for derek to grab and pull her up. "no mandi youve got like 5 broken ribs. go home." pulling the girl up but not letting go of her hand "um no ill be fine. it figures cora broke my ribs she never liked me." "yea she thought you were a bitch." derek laughs "i never even had a conversation with her why would she think that." derek opens his mouth to speak but then closes it. "cause you were a bitch." "aw derek you talked about me?" derek rolls his eye. "come on we need to find cora and boyd."

im making the chapters be an entire episdode so their going to be long chapters this one was 3000 words

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