Found Love | Kang Haerin [Ep. 2]

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November 8, Wednesday - 7:50 AM, School Entrance.

As I closed my car door, I notice a huge crowd forming in the school entrance.

Curiosity got the best of me and I took a peak of what was causing this huge crowd.

What is this?

As I could finally picture what was going on, I saw Hanni and a random student with the principal.

"You two, in my office. Now!" The principal ordered before leaving.

The crowd slowly starts separating and gossips start to happen all around,

"What happened?" I mumbled, trying to find out the situation.

Maybe Hanni fought with that student.

It'll only make sense if it's true.

"Whatever, it's none of my business." I went to class and sat down on my designated seat.

Then I took out my notebook to read the notes I wrote yesterday.

This doesn't make any sense.

As I read the pages over and over again, it only made zero sense to me.

This is ridiculous, I don't even know how to pronounce this.

As I struggled to silently review my notes, a gentle tap on my shoulder surprises me,

I look behind me and saw the girl from yesterday.

"Oh- hey, it's you." Silence flows for a little bit before she finally responds,

"Yes, it's me, Haerin." I took time to think before I stood up from my seat and offered a handshake at her.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you, again." She shakes my hand slowly,

"I just came to ask you why you kept watching me yesterday?" She asks, and I nervously started gulping.

"I- uh, well, to be truthfully honest with you, I kind of admired you yesterday." I answer, hoping she wouldn't do or say anything bad to me,

"Oh- uhm, I- I didn't expect that." A big silence flows again, before she says,

"I'll get going now, thanks for your- uhm..honesty." She leaves and I felt so stupid.

Y/n, you look like an idiot now.

She's gonna think you're a creep!

Ugh, why did I even say that?

I sat back down on my chair, feeling more stupid.

"Great, y/n, now she's gonna think you're a weirdo." I say to myself, frustration growing up inside me.

Then, the teacher came and I took a deep breath and kept my usual composure again.

That was so weird.

This is exactly why nobody likes you, y/n.

Haerin's Perspective

He admired me?

Wow, you're so stupid, Haerin, how come you never noticed?

Ugh, that question was so weird.

"What if he likes me?" I mumble to myself.

There's no way, you're too full of yourself, Haerin.

He was just admiring you, that doesn't mean he likes you.

What is this?

I never got this much nervous in my life before.

I must like him already, then.

As I thought about y/n's words earlier, my interest in him only grew.

Maybe, just maybe, there's more than meets the eye.


Sorry for the short delay of episodes, I don't have much ideas, but if you have an idea, please comment it, I wouldn't mind at all.

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