Enemies to Lovers | Pham Hanni [Ep. 8]

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Lunch time was arriving and I kept glancing at hanni who looked lost deeply into her thoughts.

I hope that didn't ruin our relationship.

Wait. Like I even care about our relationship.

I only saw and always will see hanni as an enemy, nothing more than that, although, we have grown a little more closer these past few days,

does that mean she's my friend?


My thoughts were interrupted by a loud ringing coming from outside the class, it was the bell.

I didn't respond by standing up, nor moving, I just sat there, thinking about hanni and I's relationship.

Does she really like me?

what is something I hold that hanni could adore such?

There has to be a reason.

I quickly got up from my chair and went to the cafeteria, determined to find out the real truth on hanni's sudden confession.

30 minutes pass

I finished eating and was disturbed by hanni's presence again, the atmosphere felt really different, now that we know how our situation is going.

"so, you ready?" she suddenly asked,

I look up at her in confusion, before asking,

"ready for what?"

"ready for love- I mean, to make my ex jealous,"

"I- I don't know now, it just feels somehow..different, I'm sorry, hanni",

why did I even agree to this in the first place?

We were never meant to be with each other and never ever will be, I know she knows that.

Stop making this so hard for me, Hanni.

"why? you agreed earlier, listen, if this is about the kiss, I-"

"I'm sorry." I cut her off, not letting her finish what she was saying.

"sorry for what?"

"I can't date you, I can't date anyone, even if it means true love, I just can't, you mean the world to me, as an enemy, and I will forever only see you as one, you are the best enemy I know anyone would be lucky to see, I don't deserve you or your love, trust me, you will fall out of love with me." I said, serious about my words.

She doesn't deserve this, neither do I.

"y/n, I will love you no matter what." she said, determined to catch my love,

little did she know, she never will.

"I'm sorry, hanni, but please, just trust me on this one." I said, making hanni visibly sad.

"I don't get it, what happened to us? y/n, I know we're enemies, but you don't have to take it this far,"

"no, you'll get hurt." as she stepped closer, I immediately stepped back.

"y/n! please, just tell me, I'll understand." she said, but..

that's what they always say.

"no, step away," I quickly ran away, bursting into tears as I did.

She wouldn't understand, I know she wouldn't.

"fuck you, hanni!" I cursed, knowing my philophobia condition is only making love for me worse.

"fuck this! I wish I never even lived! why was I even born?! I loved millions of people! I know I have! WHY AM I AFRAID OF IT?! please..give me a break."

I've been through way too much love confessions, I reject all of them.

"Would it be better if I just died?.." I asked myself, feeling the anticipation in me filling in.

"no, it's worse." I heard a voice say,

I look behind and saw Hanni,

great, the last person I ever wanted to see right now.

- Continuation -

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