Together Forever

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(Anne's P.O.V)

"Ugh," I moaned. I tried to open my eyes several time but failed before exceeding. I sat up but quickly went to blurriness. A few sets of hands helped me into a sitting position with me leaning against a wall.

A few more minutes made me me realise my surroundings. I was siting in a Hospital bed. Well my family and friends Hospital in our house.

"Are you ok?" asked my mum.

I nodded in response, than asked, "How did I get out?"

"Damon saved you," she replied,

"Is he ok?" I said quickly.

She nodded.

"What is it I can tell your hiding something from me?"I wondered.

She huffed before finally deciding to tell me, "You were close to death and you know what happens to the opposite Mate if you die," she started. I nodded so she carried on, "Well we got some Witches to take it away," she finished.

I grabbed my foot and there was no Mark. No how could this be happening? What if he doesn't love me anymore? How could they do this to me?

My mind buzzed with so many questions but all leading to one person. Damon.

I looked at my mum and she said 3 words which made me shot off. She said, "In the bar."


I raced there and opened the door. Someone was up on stage singing but I couldn't be asked to look up there. All I was searching for was Damon.

I looked everywhere in till, "Stefan," I called to him,

"Anne are you ok?" Stefan called back and ran over to me and embraced me into a hug.

"Yeah I'm fine. Have you seem Damon?" I asked him.

Stefan took a step back a nodded up to the Stage.

On the stage was Damon singing. Wow I didn't know he could sing and that is one cracking voice.

'So they came into the outway,

It was Sunday,

What a black day

Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Sounding heartbeats, intimidations

Annie are you ok?

So, Annie are you ok?

Are you ok Annie?

Annie are you ok?

Annie are you ok?

Annie are you ok?

Annie are you ok?

Annie are you ok?

So, Annie are you ok?

Are you ok Annie?

Annie are you ok?

Will you tell us that you're ok?

There's a sign in the window,

That he struck you,

A crescendo Annie.

He came into your 'partment,

Left the bloodstains on the carpet.

Then you ran into the bedroom,

You were struck down,

It was your doom.Annie are you ok?

So, Annie are you ok?

Are you ok Annie?

You've been hit by,

You've been struck by,

A Smooth Criminal.'

(Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal)

Damon finished and the whole bar erupted with applause.

Damon came down of Stage, so I looked over to Stefan who had disappeared.

I looked back and the whole bar suddenly went silent and stared at me. Some people smiled, some nodded at me but most people stayed silent.

The crowd parted and Stefan was standing at the other end. I looked at him strangely before he stepped to the side and grabbed someone and chucked them to the ground. The person of course was Stefan's brother Damon.

Damon got up and looked forward to where I was standing. He smiled and with his Vampire speed embraced me into a hug.

I hugged his back and some people started to wolf whistle so I stuck my middle finger up at them.

Damon grabbed my hand and pulled my out the room into the living room.

"I missed you and you not leaving my sight again," Damon explained.

Suddenly Damon kissed me so I kissed him back. He asked for entrance so I let him in. My foot strangely started to hurt but we just deepened the kiss.

"Ok let watch a film," Lily shouted whilst jumping on the sofa next to us.

Me and Damon hastily pulled away and saw Stefan, Elena, Lily, Bonnie, Caroline, Jeremy and Alaric staring at us cheekily.

Lily put on an episode of Doctor Who. I wasn't really consternation on it.

Damon still hadn't let go of my hand so I think what he said earlier was a promise he wasn't going to break.

I clumsily took of my sock with one hand to see why it was hurting and saw a sight that made me smile.

The Werewolf Mark had grown back and inside was the letter D. Damon saw what I did so he did the same and inside his was the letter A.

We were finally joined and united.


After the episode of Doctor Who we watched Ice Age 4, Twilight - Breaking Dawn Part 2, Harry Potter And The Prisioner Of Azkaban and finally Monsters Inc.


I put my P.Js on and got in bed. Seconds later I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist.

"As I said earlier, your not leaving my sight darling," Damon whispered before kissing my head and both of us falling asleep.

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