We Aren't Free People

315 13 3

3rd POV

     'I remember it was raining...'

Young Oda was inside a cafe, reading a book on a rainy day near the sea shore as a man appeared before him. "You're always reading that same book, boy."

"Hm?" Oda looked up to see a man in formal clothes and had a cane with him.

"Is it really that good?" The stranger asked.

"It is. I've read it several times now."

"But there are so many other stories out there, much more interesting than that one. And where's part three?"

Oda closed part two of the book. "I don't have it. I've looked for it everywhere, but no luck."

"Well, now it all makes sense. Because the third installment is the worst of the worst. At least, Ryuji apparently believes it to be, but I can never really know what goes on through that boy's head. Best to be content with those chapters. Just forget about the rest."

"I can't do that."

"Why don't you write it then?" The stranger suggested.

"Me, write it?"

"That's the only way you can keep that story as perfect as you envisioned it. Writing a story is akin to having complete control over a person; choosing how they will live and die. From my vantage point, you have all the right qualities."

"Just who are you anyway?"

"Who am I? My name is..."

"...Hey, Sensei! There you are...!" Another voice entered the conversation, but Oda couldn't see his face because it was blurred out.

Oda was slowly waking up, feeling some weight on his bed before hearing Dazai ask him. "How do you feel?"

Oda sat up straight, "Like every bender I've ever had in my life just caught up with me all at once." He looked to see (Y/n) sleeping on the bed and holding his hand.

"She's been worried sick about you when she saw your body in the woods. She almost killed the doctors because they refused to let her see you, cried herself to sleep and praying that you'll be okay." Dazai informed, "You better make it up to her one way or another."

"Yeah." Oda sighed, upset that he worried (Y/n). "I went to the place you told me about, and Ango was there."

"So it would seem my suspicions were correct then."

"Yeah... He disappeared into the night with a group of soldiers dressed in black."

"If I had to guess, I'd say they were a Special Ops squad. It looks like we can divide these events into two separate categories."

"Which one do the soldiers fall under?" Oda asked.

"They're different from Mimic, so we can take them out of the equation for the time being. Mimic is a far more prevalent threat. They've been causing trouble in the city. So we've assigned Akutagawa and other members of our combat division to deal with them. But we still don't know anything about what kind of ability their leader possesses. We're at a loss."

"This Akutagawa guy you mentioned... He's one of your and (Y/n)'s subordinates, right? I understand he has high offensive capabilities."

"He's a naked sword without a scabbard. In time, I have no doubt he'll become the strongest member in the Mafia, but right now, he needs to be taught how to sheathe his blade. But I digress. (Y/n)-chan believes that he can be an executive if he works hard enough, but that's only if he beats her in battle. This morning, the council of five top executives convened, and decided to attack Mimic with everything the Port Mafia can muster. At the same time, Akutagawa and some of my team were hit by a surprise attack at the art museum. They're probably still fighting."

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