The Search for the Tiger

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(Y/n) POV

Dazai, Kunikida, and you walked along the riverbank, looking for any clues that results of the tiger in Yokohama. Last sightings stated it was here, hopefully it's still here. You looked up at the sky and saw the sun setting, casting your shadows from its sunlight. You could even hear the birds tweeting. The world will be a bit more beautiful if days always ended like this. You just wish that he could see it, telling him that it has grown beautiful; many lives were saved everyday now.

You sighed in relief while watching the sun and hearing the sound of the wind blowing through your clothes, if you weren't looking for a tiger, you would've love to stay here for a while until the sun went down and when the stars come up. After stepping out of your daydream, you noticed Kunikida gazing in your direction, he wasn't reading or writing in his ideal notebook, but kept staring at you with a worried face.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

You just smiled softly at him. "Yes. Just tired and enjoying the sunset."

Kunikida reverted back to his notebook before speaking again. "Don't worry, if we get this done, we'll be finished for today." His response made you a little bit happy. Although Kunikida is a busy bee and uptight most of the time, he's a good person. Dazai, on the other hand...

You've been with that man since you were sixteen and this man always pissed you off. For once, you don't understand why you kept him alive. He's impossible to work with, you're surprised that he survived this long, not to mention, he's the demon prodigy. You admire and respect the guy for his intelligence and ability, but his stupid suicidal behavior makes you want to throw him into the river.

Unfortunately, he beat you to it, "Wow, that's a nice river." Before you and Kunikida could even respond, you hear a splash right next to your side and saw that Dazai's legs were in the air as the upper half of his body was underwater! That idiot!

"DAZAI!" Kunikida yelled out as you watched the body drift farther away from the two of you. "That bastard! We have a job to do! Now we're going to be off-schedule!"

"Damn that idiot! Doesn't he ever get his head out of the damn gutter?! I'll kill him this time for sure!" You summoned my red/black scythe in your hand and started to catch up to Dazai's drifting body. His body was moving fast that you couldn't catch up to him. Maybe the water will kill him this time.


3rd POV

On the far side of the riverbank, a boy that wore some torn up grey clothes and laid on the floor in starvation as he recalled what the people at the orphanage said to him. "Shut up... Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut uuuup! 'Die in a ditch'? I won't let that happen! Just you wait! I'm gonna live, no matter what! Okay... I'll rush the first person who comes along and rob them of everything that they got!"

The boy turned around and found his first suspect, unfortunately, the suspect is on a motorcycle and is driving very fast. He couldn't take that chance.

"Maybe someone a little slower. Okay, the next person." The boy checked again, only to see the military marching in front of him. He didn't want to take that chance, so he tried again. "I don't imagine the military police carry their wallets while they're in training. Next time...and this time I really mean it. You're mine, man!"

The boy turned around to see nothing but a body floating down the river. The legs were twitching and this made the boy sweatdrop at the sight of it. He didn't know how to feel about this, all he could do was watch the body drift away.

"H-He wasn't what I had quite in mind." The body was spinning around while making gargling noises. "Uh, I'll let that one pass, thanks." The body was now being pecked by crows, the boy couldn't stand to watch that any longer, "He'll be okayyyy... Fine!" The boy ran and jumped in the river, saving the man from drowning. They both made it to shore.

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