the capitol.

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Two | The Capitol

FLEUR SIGHED AS SHE LOOKED OUT THE TRAIN WINDOWS, WATCHING AS BUILDING PASSED BY. She'd taken the journey enough to know approximately how much time was left until they arrived. However, this journey was different from the previous ones. This time she was travelling with her younger sister who was a tribute in the 74th Hunger Games, representing their district.

She hadn't been reaped, no Glimmer had volunteered. Glimmer felt that she was ready for the game. The other victors and trainers at the academy had agreed. They felt that Glimmer was a candidate worthy of representing their district.

Fleur disagreed, but her opinion fell on deaf ears. Her mother and father spoke nothing but words of pride to Glimmer discussing how proud they'd be to have two victors in the family. Fleur had stood there silently, knowing that if anything happened to Glimmer and their wishes didn't come true, then it would be her fault. The other victors ignored her, claiming that when it came down to it, Glimmer would lose her arrogant nature. Fleur knew that if something happened to Glimmer, then it would be because she did not prepare her enough.

Glimmer had always been her responsibility. 'Look out for Glimmer,' her mother would order. 'Don't let anything happen to Glimmer.' If her sister so much as returned home with a hair out of place, then it was Fleur's fault.

When Fleur had returned from the 69th Hunger Games alive and victorious at the mere age of fourteen, she thought maybe things would be different, but they weren't. She'd won them money beyond their very imagination. She'd sold her soul to the devil and to her parents that wasn't enough. It was never enough, not when there was so much untapped potential in their precious little Glimmer.

Her parents were greedy, always wanting more and never being content with what they had. In other Districts, tributes didn't get a choice in whether or not they fought and died. Fleur couldn't understand why anyone would willingly fight for their life when they did not have to. To Fleur, glory and pride weren't good enough answers, especially when she'd seen exactly what 'glory' and 'pride' got you.

So now here they were, Fleur and Glimmer on their way to the Capitol where Glimmer would be fighting for her life and Fleur's as well.

Fleur heard the sound of the chair across from her shifting and she lifted her gaze as she looked at her younger sister. Glimmer stared at her, and Fleur simply rolled her eyes as she looked out of the window once again.

"You haven't said a word to me since the reaping," she hears her sister say.

"We'll be in the Capitol in an hour," she informed Glimmer.

Glimmer's eyes narrowed, "That's all you have to say?"

"What do you want me to say?" Fleur asks, "I'm proud of you? I'm not."

"Why not?" Glimmer asks.

"Because this is not a game," Fleur snaps as she looks at her sister, "You, Mom, Dad, you see this as something fun. As some chance at glory and it's not. People lose their lives. They die. You could lose your life and die. And that would be on me."

"Then don't let me die," Glimmer tells her.

Fleur chuckles bitterly at her sister's words. Was she seriously that out of touch? Did she not watch previous games? If Fleur had been able to just 'not let the tributes die' don't you think she would have done that?

"You think it's that easy?"

"It is," Glimmer responds.

Fleur lets out a laugh as she looks back at the window, "You are stupid Glimmer. So stupid."

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