Chapter 8.5: Tsuyu Asui 1

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Tsuyu: Like, literally everyone ribbit. We're too young to think of stuff like that. 

Mina: Nah, that's just grown-up talk. We all need practice! We can't learn to be in a relationship if we never experience them. 

Tsuyu: We're teens, Mina. We don't know anything. 

Mina: Exactly! How do we learn? We learn through trying. 

Tsuyu looks back at you and Kirishima. Her feelings haven't changed. You and Kirishima have helped her find happiness in herself. She doesn't have to worry about her odd appearance or blunt personality around her two best friends. Both accept her as she is. Meanwhile, she thinks of how the gaze of her male classmates tend to drift towards Mina and Yaoyorozu when they think no one is looking. Hagakure, Jiro, and Uraraka get occasional glances, but Tsuyu has never caught a single low angled side-eye from any of them towards her. Being objectified is annoying to most girls she's spoken to. Men aren't as slick as they think they are. Tsuyu is no different, but when a boy looks at her as if she's more than just a friend, she starts thinking. Her quirk contorts her appearance away from traditional 'pretty girl' status. Her natural hunch, big hands, froggish voice, inhuman tongue, and large circular eyes push most non-mutant people away. So, any gaze towards her as a woman rather than a friend is rare. 

Mina: I know I'm right. You can talk to me whenever those feelings develop. Mama Ashido's got you!

Tsuyu rolls her eyes. The final bell rings to mark the end of the school week. 

II: Blue Saturday

Tsuyu's green eyes shoot open one minute before her alarm clock goes off. Her body wakes her up on its own after years of the same unchanging sleep schedule. She leans up out of bed then stretches. Her frog themed pajama shirt constricts around ever enlarging shoulders and chest. All of her clothing is starting to feel too small now that she's actively working out daily. Her body isn't the same shape it was in junior-high. Her parents warned her of this when puberty first struck, but the change was too slow to affect her. Now, her body is rapidly changing and adapting to the intense activities of U.A. Tsuyu's father, Ganma Asui, would tell her of the day he woke up almost thirty pounds heavier than when he went to sleep. None of his clothing fit and he had to stay home from school while her grandparents went out to replace his whole wardrobe. Tsuyu once feared she would do the same thing as her father. Go to sleep one day as a woman then wake up as a rotund toadish humanoid. That fear was quelled when her mother, Beru Asui, slapped her father across the back of the head and said it was a total lie. 

Stuffed animals fall to the carpet as Tsuyu throws her five layers of blankets to the side. Tsuyu can't sleep unless the ambient temperature is above eighty degrees. If it gets too cold, her body enters a state of severe hypothermia and practically knocks her out. Having cold blood makes the winter months a challenge. Now that those months are on a steady approach, she's increased her number of blankets at night to counter her natural enemy. The cold. 

Tsuyu wipes the crust from her eyes then applies deodorant and perfume, not bothering to change out of her pajamas. Her trousers feel extremely tight all around her lower body along side her shirt. Childhood is gone. No longer can she expect to wake up the same shape and size as she was when she laid down. Her father's lies aside, being female comes with a number of biological changes at her age. It's difficult to handle everything her body does all at once overnight, but her mother is always there to explain things to her in detail so she can take a level-headed approach to her ever-changing form. Tsuyu holds a special piece of advice from her mother close to her heart, "Life goes on. Pain and change is a mountain you must climb daily as a woman. You're going to feel alone. Other girls feel the same way as you, but it's only when you find a person you love that understands those challenges that it all becomes trivial." Tsuyu is guided by logic and well thought out reasoning, but her Beru shared that with her the first and last time her daughter had an emotional breakdown. 

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