7: rainy days

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I was so ready for it to be the weekend. No more Paris drama, it's been a week since prom and Paris refuses to talk to me or even look at me. Madeline and Louise give me the cold shoulder and the only person I've been hanging around is Tristan. Since prom we've basically just stuck by each other, I talked to him about the whole Paris situation and he understands and doesn't really want me to be sitting alone at lunch.

"You can't be serious... that's so cliché" Tristan mocks me as we were talking about something we'd want to do. "I'm sorry, am I not allowed to be a hopeless romantic?" I ask jokingly, rolling my eyes. "You seriously want to be kissed in the rain?" He looks at me intensely, I just nod, "okay maybe it is cliché" I try and act as though I don't want it to happen anymore. "No, no, I'm sure it'll happen someday" he smiles at me when he makes the sarcastic remark. "You make it sound so stupid" I laugh and he realises I'm embarrassed. "Well there is supposed to be rain tomorrow" he winks at me before leaving as the bell rings. Leaving me once again at my locker, dumbfounded.

Getting home from school was the happiest feeling that I had that whole week. It just kept dragging on. With Paris not talking to me, Madeline and Louise leaving when they saw Paris, and Tristan being the only one there for me. It really put some things into perspective. Madeline and Louise weren't really my friends. And Paris was just Paris. It'll be the same thing that happened in elementary when she got jealous of me and Tristan, but she got over it.

"Dinner is ready" my mom shouts as I put my bag down, I purse my lips in confusion. It's 4pm, why is dinner ready? I think to myself. But I don't question it. I walk into the dining room to find my parents. "What's going on?" I ask them and they both have smiles on their faces. "Sit down" my mother ushers me to take the seat on her right. "So me and your mother are going to be going on a short business trip tomorrow with the Dugrays. And we trust you and Tristan enough to both stay here. We want you both to get to know each other more, your marriage will be very soon after you graduate from Chilton" my father says and my eyes go wide.

Who are they and what have they done to my parents? I think to myself. They are letting a boy stay here for a few days? Even if I'm practically engaged to him. "Is that it?" I ask them and my mom gives a simple nod, "now eat, your food will get cold" still no explanation as to why dinner was so earlier, but I guess it's nice for a change.

"I can't believe it" I rant to Tristan over the phone. "I know, your parents letting a boy sleep over for a few days is pretty crazy" he admits, knowing my parents 'no boy' rule for the past 17 years of my life. "It's not the worst" I sigh and I hear him cough through the phone, "wow, A, you really gonna insult me like that, I'm so hurt" I can only imagine him with his hand on his heart right now, mocking me.

Tristan was right. It was raining...my parents already left, and Tristan rang me 10 minutes ago saying he'd be late because of the traffic. I walked around my house for a minute just breathing in the emptiness. I've been left in the house alone before but at the same time the feeling of emptiness never fails to excite me but sadden me.

I hear the door knock and I know who it is already. "Come in" I shout from my kitchen. "Alizeh!? Where are you" Tristan shouts from the hallway, "IM IN THE KITCHEN!" I shout back to him. "Wow your parents left and your already robbing the kitchen" he chuckles and takes a cookie from the cookie jar. I roll my eyes, "speak for yourself then" I remark taking the cookie jar away from him. "Hey you stole the cookies!" He jokes, "you didn't call me a Cookie Monster in 3rd grade for nothing"

We'd been sitting around for 2 hours doing nothing, but talking about graduation. "I'm not even sure I'm gonna graduate" Tristan sighs and I furrow my brows, "why?" I ask sincerely, looking into his eyes for any sign. "Just my dad and the business, I really don't know what's going on" my gaze softens and I get up to sit next to him, rubbing his shoulder in comfort, "I know your parents are tough" I sigh, taking a pause "but you'll make it through, you always have" I praise him, I do admire him, I've seen his father in action, the way he'd shout at Tristan anytime he'd give lifts home from elementary school.

"I have an idea, to cheer us up" Tristan suggests, bringing his head up from looking toward the ground, I lift my brows and narrow my eyes, he looks toward the window then back at me, "just trust me" he winks taking my hand and dragging me out the door, "Tristan it's raining!" I squeal at him "you don't think I know that!?" He argues and just keeps running onto the empty road when he stops. "Why are we here?" I laugh and he chuckles.

"You said on your bucket list, you wanted to be kissed in the rain, and I'm afraid I don't want anyone else to help you with your bucket list. I want to be the one with you through everything... if you let me" I look into his eyes in disbelief, his hair and his clothes are soaked. "Alizeh Cortez, will you let me?" He asks again and I smile so hard, through my chattering teeth. "Yes!" I scream.

He pulls me in by my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. I take another look into his eyes, then at his lips which are getting closer. He presses his lips to mine, and I forget about the rain, it's just how I imagined, like a scene from a corny romance movie.

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