I meet his eyes again and give him a scolding look.

He laughs.

And I mouth, "Stop it."

He doesn't. He smirked, leaning back into his chair, stretching his legs and resting his hands behind his head. He looks calm, relaxed and, most importantly, unfazed by what's happening between us. This worries me, and I'm not even entirely sure why. I don't like Ben like that. And I don't want Ben to like me like that. At least, I don't think I do.

"This place is getting lame," Stephanie says before slamming back her drink. "Let's all return to our villa and keep this party going."

Eric raises a hand. "Count me in."

"Me too," Matthew and Michelle say in unison.

Michael kisses Jessica and says, "You crazies have fun. We're ready for bed, right, Jess?"

With a yawn, Jessica nods. "Yeah, babe. I'm tired."

They say their goodbyes and goodnights and walk away hand in hand from our table.

"I think I'm ready for bed, too," I say, yawning. "Why don't you all go back to Eric, Matthew and Ben's villa instead so I can get some sleep?"

"No. You're not going to bed," Michelle says. "Do not be a party pooper."

"I am not a party pooper," I tell her. "I am just reasonable. It's one o'clock in the morning."

"We are on vacation, Megan," Eric laughs. "And no one is going to bed."

Ben must find Eric's comment funny because he laughs, slides closer to my side and ruffles my hair. I swat his hand away.

Eric leads the way, and everyone follows. Well, fuck. I am not going to get any sleep now.

Ben lingers by my side, keeping back from the rest of the group. The voices of our drunken friends carry into the night. They remain ahead of us, moving down a pathway. When no one is looking, Ben drapes an arm along my shoulders and pulls me close to his side. He whispers against my hair, "Play along with me, okay?"

I lean away from him to get a better look at his face. He's trying – but failing – to tamp down a smile. Before I could even open my mouth to respond, he stopped and kept me at his side. He shouted, "Hey. Megan forgot her purse at the bar. We need to go back. We will catch up with you in a bit."

"You two are the most forgetful people I know," Eric mumbles. "Whatever. See you in a bit."

"We could wait here for you," Stephanie suggests. "I mean, you're coming to the villa. Right, Ben?"

Ben steps away from me. "Yeah. Sure. But no need to wait. We'll be there soon."

I slowly spin and see that our friends aren't even looking at us anymore; they have returned to walking down the pathway.

I playfully punch him in the shoulder. "Are you crazy?" I ask, laughing. "I wasn't even carrying a purse."

Ben laughs, tugging me and pulling me against his chest. His chin rests on my head, and he wraps his arms around me. "I wanted to be alone with you," he whispers.

My heart swells when he says this. I absentmindedly ran a hand down his abdomen before realizing how forward that was. Ben doesn't mind, though. His hands slide down my backside to meet mine at my side. His fingers slide like a perfect puzzle piece into mine.

"I appreciated you sending me a margarita tonight. And I'm sorry if I seemed a little distant at the bar."

He smiles at me, running a thumb down my cheek before kissing the top of my head. "Follow me," he says, guiding me off the pathway leading to the villa and down a pathway toward the pool.

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