20. Sweet delights

Start from the beginning

"thank you." you replied, feeling a warm blush spread across your cheeks. Your heart fluttered at his thoughtful gesture of giving you your favourite flowers.

Just as you were about to say something, the microwave alarm went off, causing Eunho to get all excited.

"My cookies!" he exclaimed, running into the kitchen with you and Jeonghan following close behind.

"Looks like someone was baking." he said, humming inquisitively.

As he stepped into the kitchen, he expected it to be a mess, but to his surprise, it was quite neat. It wasn't like how he remembered it when you used to bake before.

And there was another child in sight, standing on a chair with all the baking equipment on the dining table. She was busy whisking the batter.

Jeonghan looked a bit confused as he saw Eunho and the other kid busily preparing different baked goods in the kitchen. He turned to you, seeking clarification.

"Hey, why are they baking cookies and cupcakes at the same time?"

"Eunho loves cookies whereas Aeri loves cupcakes." Your replied with a smile as
Jeonghan nodded, understanding the situation.

You slid beside Eunho to help him out, carefully taking the hot tray out of the microwave.

As he reached for the handle with his bare hands, you quickly reacted and lightly slapped the back of his palm.

"Eunho, you'll burn yourself." you scolded, a playful tone in your voice. You quickly handed him the oven gloves, ensuring his safety.

With the microwave turned off, Jeonghan settled in front of Aeri, and that's when the little girl finally noticed him.

You couldn't help but smile as you observed Aeri's shyness, her attempts to avoid Jeonghan's gaze. But you knew it was just a matter of time before she warmed up to him.

"Aeri is a bit shy, but don't worry, she'll warm up soon." you reassured Jeonghan with a warm smile. You could see the genuine kindness in his eyes as he patiently waited for Aeri to feel more comfortable.

And while the two of them were getting acquainted, you turned your attention back to Eunho, who was standing on a stool next to you, focused on kneading the cookie dough to get the next batch of crispy cookies ready.

"Focus, y/n. Focus." you playfully hissed, pretending to be serious.

Eunho couldn't help but giggle at your playful scolding, his cute laughter filling the air as he continued to knead the dough with enthusiasm.

You looked over your shoulder and noticed Aeri struggling to open the jar of strawberry jam. Unfortunately, your hands were already full, so you called out to Jeonghan.

"Uh, Jeonghan, would you mind helping Aeri?" you asked, hoping he could lend a hand. He happily nodded and Aeri passed the jar to him as he came beside her.

"You want me to open this?" Jeonghan confirmed, she nodded. His heart melting at the sheer cuteness Aeri possessed. She truly was an adorable child.

He gave the jar back and she began pouring the batter into the moulds, filling them halfway.

Then, she carefully placed the jam in the middle before pouring more batter on top. It was like a delicious surprise waiting to be baked.

As Aeri diligently worked on pouring the batter into the moulds, her focus was unwavering.

Jeonghan couldn't help but be captivated by her dedication and the quiet determination that radiated from her. He watched her with admiration, his gaze fixed on her every move.

Suddenly, there was a slight mishap. Aeri's hand accidentally struck the end of the tray, causing it to teeter dangerously close to falling.

In a split second, Jeonghan's reflexes kicked in, and he swiftly intervened, skillfully balancing the tray and preventing it from toppling over. His quick action saved Aeri's hard work from being ruined.

Aeri looked up at Jeonghan, her eyes sparkling with surprise and gratitude. She couldn't contain her curiosity and innocence as she sweetly asked him.

"Are you y/n's boyfriend?" Jeonghan, taken aback by the unexpected question, shook his head gently, indicating that he wasn't. yet.

With a small nod, Aeri returned her attention to her task, pouring the batter with renewed determination.

It was then that she uttered a comment that brought a smile to Jeonghan's face and warmed his heart.

"You should be. You're pretty." she said, her words filled with sincerity and admiration.

Jeonghan was touched by Aeri's kind words, appreciating the pure and unfiltered compliment from a young child.

The kitchen was filled with warmth, laughter, and the sweet aroma of freshly baked cookies and cupcakes. It was a moment to cherish, creating beautiful memories with your loved ones.

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