1. - So.. I was reborn as a Snake? [REWRITTEN]

Start from the beginning

However, right after thinking about it, I exhaled and shook my head weakily, smiling lightly.

'Maybe not. I'll just settle with my death.' I thought before closing my eyes with a wide smile plastered over my face. As nice as the idea of a second shot at life sounded, I would prefer to just rest now for the rest of eternity. I wasn't all that special - if anything, I was the most ordinary and average person out there. I wasn't owed anything.

A second chance at life should be given to someone who deserves it - not me, someone who dug himself into a grave with his terrible decisions.

Then, for a few last moments, right before my life ended, I heard a voice speak. Now what it said - I've got no clue, as I had already tuned it out. It was very faint and it sounded a bit echoey - but I do remember seeing the silhouette of a person over my body, so I guess the voice was panic over me dying.

Whatever it was that it said though, it probably wasn't all that important.

And so, I died. After 28 Years, I had met my end in quite a boring way. I was hoping for a cooler death to be honest - not one where I got caught in the crossfire between some criminals and the police force.


...And then..
Something strange happened.

I opened my eyes. It was dark all around me. I was rather confused at first on what was going on, but I tried to convince myself that this wasn't real. It was strange though - I couldn't feel my legs and arms... and it felt like I had a.. long body?

Alright, whats going on? Am I dreaming? Did I somehow miracously survive or something?

I tried to move, however the space around me seemed quite small and... a bit slimey. Combine this with the fact that it was pitch black and you get one confusing situation.

'Where the hell am I?'

I thought before attempting to move upwards, only to hit my head against something.

'Ouch! That hurt..'

I thought. I tried to reach out and touch whatever was around me, only to realize the reason for not feeling my arms and legs... Its because I didn't even have those. If I was dreaming and somehow did survive, then perhaps I got my arms amputed.
But then... that would mean my legs were also.... No, maybe not after all.

I attempted to break through the thing around me. It felt hard... smooth - almost like the interior of an egg or something. However, at the same time, it didn't seem to be very durable, since after a couple of rather painful headbutts, the 'wall' I was hitting cracked.

I smirked to myself widely, before finally breaking a hole in the wall. Looking out through the hole, I saw what looked to me a nest made out of dead grass.

'Now this is definetely the strangest thing..'

I thought before exiting through the hole, into the supposed nest. Once outside, I observed my surroundings.

I seemed to be inside of a nest, that was located somewhere in the middle of.. a forest? Jungle? It was kind of hard to tell which of the two it was. I then looked back at the object I had just exited, only to see that I was indeed inside an egg.

'Well that explains the slimey liquid inside..'

I thought before noticing what seemed to be my lower body.

Green, scaley, long, slender... wait.. Was I reincarnated? Seriously?... I asked to not be reborn, come on - do my dying wishes not matter!? 

I exhaled a bit heavily before looking around for anything I could potentially use as a makeshift mirror. There wasn't really anything around that could serve such a purpose... or at least - I thought so, before something shiny in the nest caught my eye.

Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [REWRITE IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now