Forty Five

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As I approached the woman, her features were soft yet striking, her eyes filled with warmth and love. It was like looking into a mirror of the soul, seeing a reflection that was both part of me and yet a mystery. And then, it hit me – an overwhelming realization that left me breathless. This woman, this beautiful, loving presence, was my mother.

The recognition brought a flood of emotions – confusion, joy, and a deep, aching heartache. Tears welled up in my eyes as memories, long buried and unattained, surfaced.

"Mom?" I whispered, my voice a mix of disbelief and longing. She smiled, a tender, knowing smile that seemed to reach into my very soul.

"Yes, Marisela," she said, her voice as warm and comforting as I had always imagined it would be. "It's me."

Without a word, I rushed into her arms, embracing her with a desperation born of years of longing and unanswered questions. I cried into her embrace, my tears a mixture of joy at this impossible reunion and sorrow for all the lost years.

"How... how is this possible?" I managed to say between sobs. She held me close, her own tears mingling with mine.

"There's so much I want to tell you, so much you need to know," she whispered, her voice filled with a love that transcended time and space.

When we finally pulled apart, her eyes bore into mine with an intensity that spoke of urgency. "I am so proud of you, Marisela," she said, her words wrapping around me like a warm blanket. "But you need to listen to me carefully. This is important."

I was overwhelmed, lost in the moment, the myriad of questions racing through my mind. But her gentle insistence brought me back to the gravity of the situation. "What is it, Mother?" I asked, my voice quivering with emotion.

She took a deep breath, her gaze never leaving mine. "Alana, your daughter, is in danger. But there's a way to save her," she began, her words igniting a flicker of hope within me.

The sadness of our separation and the joy of our reunion merged into a poignant blend of emotions. Her presence, so warm and comforting, was a balm to the years of wondering and longing. And yet, the urgency of her message brought me back to the stark reality of my daughter's peril.

"You need to find something that was close to her." She tells me. "There was a bear I know she was very fond of." She tells me and my eyebrows scrunch in confusion.

"Berry?" I ask. My mother smiled, the surprise evident in her eyes.

"I believe that is what she called it." She laughs quietly and I couldn't help but smile as I listened to her laugh.

"How would a stuffed animal help us find Alana?" I ask her.

As she outlined the path to saving Alana, a path intertwined with sacrifice, love, and strength, I hung onto her every word. This moment, this impossible encounter, was not just a reunion; it was a turning point, a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. My mother, even in this ethereal place between worlds, was guiding me, showing me the way to protect my child.

In that illuminated room, with the sound of the waterfall gently echoing in the background, I found not only a reunion with the mother I had never known but also a renewed purpose.

Armed with her guidance and the love that had transcended even death, I felt a renewed determination to return to the world I knew, to save Alana, and to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The sadness of our parting was tempered by the joy of our meeting and the vital message she had imparted – a message that could change the course of our destiny.

As I stood there, enveloped in the warmth of my mother's embrace, Lucrecia's eyes held a mix of love and urgency.

"It's time for you to wake up, Marisela," she said gently, yet with a firmness that brooked no argument. "You must hurry and find Alana. Nadia is close to finding a way to destroy all werewolves and sirens." Her words sent a shiver down my spine, the gravity of the situation pressing down on me.

"Nadia has the witches' coven on her side, helping her," she added, her tone grave.

I felt a jolt of shock at this revelation. "The witches' coven?" I echoed, disbelief tinging my voice. The thought of Nadia wielding such power, with the backing of a coven, was a terrifying prospect. It added a new layer of complexity and danger to our already perilous situation.

As the moment to part neared, I felt a profound sadness mixed with gratitude.

"I have to say goodbye now, Marisela," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "Know that I have always and will always love you. You are the bane of my existence. Watching you grow into the young woman you are today has made me so proud."

"I love you." I tell her, my eyes once again filling with a new set of tears. "Will I ever see you again?" Her face falls slightly but her smile does not falter and she silently shakes her head no.

"Not for a very long time sweetheart, but I will always be watching over you." She tells me. Lucrecia pulled me into a final, intimate embrace, a connection that transcended the ethereal bounds of this place.

"Tell Sylis that I will always love him, and that I am so proud of him for finally finding you," she said softly, her words imbued with a lifetime of love and regret. "And tell my sister Avalon that I never blamed her for my death. She was in love with a man who betrayed her; it was not her fault."

I listened, committing her words to memory, a sacred trust to carry back with me. "I will, mom. I promise," I assured her, tears streaming down my face.

With one final hug, a connection that spanned life and death, I felt a gentle pull, a sensation of drifting away from this serene, illuminated place. Slowly, the world around me began to fade, and I felt myself being drawn back to consciousness.

When my eyes fluttered open, the first thing I saw was Kael, his face etched with worry and relief. His eyes, filled with tears, mirrored the tumult of emotions I felt. I reached out, embracing him tightly, the need to feel his solid, real presence overwhelming.

"Kael," I whispered, my voice hoarse. "I saw her... I saw my mother."

His embrace tightened, a wordless expression of his support and love. As I pulled away, I looked around the room, searching for Avalon and my father. When I found them, their expressions were a mix of relief and concern.

"Avalon, dad," I began, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside me. "I have a message from mom. She told me to tell you, dad, that she will always love you and is so proud of you for finding me. And Avalon, she said she never blamed you for her death. She knew you were in love with a man who betrayed her. She said it wasn't your fault."

Their reactions were a mixture of shock and tears, a release of emotions held back for years. The messages from my mother were more than just words; they were a healing balm to old wounds, a closure that had been elusive for so long.

As I relayed my mother's message, a sense of peace settled over the room. Despite the urgency of our situation and the dangers that lay ahead, this moment was a precious connection to the past, a link to a love that had endured beyond the veil of death.

It was a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are moments of profound love and reconciliation, moments that sustain us and give us the strength to face the challenges ahead.

Beneath the surface: Tangled by FateOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant