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Albert Einstein once said, " The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

Tim Bradford is about the learn how true those words really are. And how sometimes wishing for different results can have its own consequences.

Tim sat alone at a table avoiding making conversation with the various coworkers and friends at Mid-Wilshire PDs favorite little bar.

He was looking over in the corner watching Lucy and Rachel huddle up near the karaoke book. Trying to select their next song.

Tim took a deep breath in at the sight of her and he sighed as he exhaled out.

He wished he could go back in time. Back to three years ago when everything seemed possible.

You see,

three years ago, Tim met Rachel Hall. His partner and best friend had introduced them and

Tim liked her right away.

She was the kind of woman who lit up a room and had an infectious smile. She was funny and intelligent, and Tim wanted to know more about her instantly. She ignited a spark in him he hadn't felt for so long. It took him by surprise.

He had received plenty of offers throughout the years.

But never felt ready.

Besides, he only really ever went to work, the gym or to run errands. Unless he spent a day with Genny and the kids or outings with Lucy. She dragged him out of the house and out of his comfort zone regularly. So He never felt the need to rush into dating again. Not when he felt at peace with his life.

But at night when Lucy would head home or on nights, they didn't hang out at all, he found himself lonely.

All this had started when Tim and Lucy responded to a call of a peeping Tom.

The woman at the home saw a man near her bedroom window. Lucy and Tim had been on the night shift. So when they arrived on scene, Tim took the woman's statement, while Lucy canvased the property.

When Lucy met Tim at the front door while he was wrapping things up, She recognized the friend of the victim who had been staying over.

"Rachel?" Lucy exclaimed

Rachel was an old college friend of Lucy's. But, they hadn't seen each other since graduation.

"Lucy! What happened to becoming a therapist? You're a cop now?"

Lucy took a few minutes to catch up with her old friend.

When she noticed Tim lingering waiting to be introduced,

She spoke up.

(Though a little begrudgingly)

"Oh, Rachel and I went to school together."

"Nice to meet you Rachel, I'm Tim Bradford" he says reaching his hand out to shake hers.

Lucy felt her heart drop for some unknown reason looking at the two's interaction.

Tim felt an immediate attraction to Rachel. And the rest of the night he found himself asking Lucy questions about her.

Lucy didn't know why it bothered her so much at the time. After all Tim is her best friend, she wants to see him happy, and Rachel's a nice girl for what she remembers.

Why did it bother her so much?

Lucy hesitantly offered to set them up.

That night she found herself checking her phone for word from Tim.

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