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Juyeon came running to the front gate. Younghoon was already waiting for him.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late" said Juyeon.

"I just arrive" said Younghoon.

"Then, shall we go?" asked Juyeon.

They both walk together.

"Where do you want to go first?" asked Juyeon.

"There's a café I like to go but I was alone. So, I thought to ask you to go with me" said Younghoon.

"They said if you buy two drinks, you get a free dessert" add Younghoon.

"What kind of dessert?" asked Juyeon.

"A bear shape pancakes" said Younghoon excited.


"You really like something sweet, huh?" asked Juyeon.

"Not really. I like bread. When I hear the pancake, I need to get that" said Younghoon.

"What kind of bread?" asked Juyeon.

"All kind but I like chocolate bread and melon bread" said Younghoon.

"I like red bean bread" said Juyeon.

"Oh, really. We should buy some bread together. I know a bakery that really cheap but it taste good" said Younghoon.

"We can go there together sometime" said Juyeon.

Juyeon and Younghoon seem to be having a nice conversation and they keep talking even after they arrive at the café. It seems like they are enjoying their interaction and the conversation they are having. They seem to be talking about different topics and it seems like they are learning more about each other and getting to know each other better through this conversation.

They are probably feeling comfortable with each other and enjoying the time they are spending together, having a good laugh and sharing personal stories. It is a good moment between them where they feel at ease and they can talk about whatever they want freely and without inhibitions.

"Welcome. Can I have your order?" said the waiter.

"Can I have a vanilla shake? What do you want, Juyeon?" asked Younghoon.

"I'll have... just iced coffee" said Juyeon.

"Certainly. As you know, if you get two drinks, you will get a free pancakes" said the waiter.

Younghoon already excited to hear pancake.

They take a seat at one of the tables in the café and get their drinks in hand. They have also received a free plate of pancakes which seems to make Younghoon's eyes sparkle.

The bear-shaped pancakes with a honey and butter topping look enticing and they make Younghoon crave them even more. He is looking forward to having the pancakes and enjoying the taste of them.

"Do you want, Juyeon? I can cut it half" said Younghoon.

"It's okay. You can eat it" said Juyeon.

"You're sure?" asked Younghoon.

Juyeon nodded.

"Please enjoy" said Juyeon.

After Younghoon has confirmed it and ready to start eating, he cuts up the pancakes into smaller pieces. Juyeon thought that he might do something else like look at his phone while waiting for Younghoon to finish eating. However, Younghoon surprises Juyeon by offering him a small piece of pancake. It was unexpected.

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