Chapter 1

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El's steps echoed loudly in the dark hallway as she struggled to find her bearings. She had been in this house numerous times before, but the darkness made it feel unfamiliar. Her hand trailed along the wall, searching for the light switch. Just as she was about to find it, she heard a familiar voice, which made her stop in her tracks.

It was the voices of two people who were incredibly important to her. She paused to listen carefully to their conversation, which was happening just a few feet away.

"El is my cousin, Dens. We should stop this," Moli, El's cousin, pleaded with Dens to end their sinful acts. Despite Moli's plea, Dens leaned in for a kiss.

El stood frozen in the hallway, listening to the sound of smooching and kissing reverberating in her ears. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. As she strained to listen further, a low moan followed, increasing in volume with each pounding. The sound was so intense that it felt like it was reverberating through the walls.

She was left feeling both anger and betrayal. These were the people she trusted the most.

Finally, she regained her composure, building the courage to turn the lights on. And the scene that lay before her eyes, made the tears she tried to stop flow out.

Upon noticing her, Moli immediately began making excuses, but when she saw that El was not convinced, she fell to her knees and instead sought forgiveness.

The surge of emotions caused El to raise a hand and land a loud slap on her cousin's face. Moli held her cheeks but could say nothing because she knew her fault.

Dens strides towards El and takes her hand. "Listen, she seduced me, and I'm sorry! You need to believe me, I regret it!" he asserts.

El gazes at him, and then her eyes roam down their unclothed forms.

"Do you regret it?" She asks, looking at both of them. "You two look like you're planning another round."

She doesn't wait for a reply.

El left with heavy emotions, her legs carrying her aimlessly with the betrayal occupying her thoughts.

I wonder what I did wrong. Is it too much to ask for a love that could last? If it wasn't mine in the first place, could someone have just told me?

But going back, everyone liked him for me. My parents approved of him immediately. My friends are even urging us to get married. But why wouldn't they like him?

Dens is rich, handsome, charming, and captivating by words. He's talented and a gentleman. Thinking about it though, the most dangerous animals are also sometimes the prettiest sight.

The bright blue sky in the morning cannot predict a sudden rainfall in the afternoon.

Wondering through the little neighborhood, she decides to take a taxi to a friend's house. Arriving at the place, El knocks twice. In a few moments, the door opens.

A familiar face greeted her with a smile. "El! You came! It's so- wait, are you crying? Oh my god, what happened?! Come in!" Sheiah guides her best friend into her house and closes the door.

El's tears are dry on her cheeks, her eyes are swollen, and her lips can't even be forced to curve up.

Sheiah starts to analyze her friend checking her arms for any injuries, relieved that there are no injuries, she looks into her eyes but says nothing.

El sobs finding the strength to talk while her friend caresses her back for comfort. But they both know that it doesn't need words to know what happened.

In the world, there was no one else that could hurt El like this other than Dens.

They met 4 years ago and started dating 1 year later.

Everyone in El's circle loved Dens, and I was included in that circle. He was so lovable, and I thought he matched my best friend because they had many similarities. However, little did I know that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

I could never bear seeing someone I treated like my own sister to be so broken like this. And so, he will pay a great price for what he did.

"You have me, El. I'm always here. And your parents too." Sheiah reminds El about those who are worth more tears than an unfaithful boyfriend.

"My parents. They expected that Dens would be the one for me. How am I supposed to let them know what happened? I don't want to disappoint them." El looks at Sheiah pleading for a solution. But she only puts a hand on top of hers.

Spending the rest of the day at Sheiah's through the night that's going to be sleepless. Instead of pajamas, her best friend pulled out two dresses from her closet, two pairs of high heels, and her makeup kit. El looks at Sheiah and then at the outfits.

"What's these for?" She asks.

Her friend gives her a questioning look. "Come on. You know where broken people go. To the fun place of course." Then shoves El into the bathroom where a new towel and the shower waiting for her.

"Make sure to use the yellow soap!" Sheiah tells through the door.

Confused but figured she needed a good bath. Using the yellow soap, her skin glowed when she came out. Her best friend shrieks excitedly. Give her the dress she prepared for her. "This should fit you."

As she stood before the mirror, El couldn't help but gaze in awe at the reflection staring back at her. The dress she had just tried on fit her perfectly, accentuating her curves and highlighting her natural beauty. Her eyes widened as she took in the sight of herself, feeling stunned by the transformation that had taken place before her very eyes. With a newfound sense of confidence, El radiated elegance and poise, feeling like a completely different person.

"Oh. My. God." Sheiah stood next to her also in shock. "Okay, I know you're beautiful but I didn't expect you'd be THIS beautiful! You are gonna star in that party!"

I have to admit that I was amazed. I had never worn this kind of dress before because Dens never allowed me. Who knew I could look like this?

The next hour, they did their makeup together with Sheiah's guidance. Waering their heels, they walked out of the house towards a new Chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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