Fynleigh nodded silently and followed Tucker up the stairs, her eyes focused on the family pictures that went up the wall opposite the stair case.

After the departure of the teens, the other couple emerged from the kitchen and sat on the sofa opposite the two women.

"So, that's new." Ben mused, not sure what to say at first.

"Warren, nobody else knows - uh apart from Andy but we just.. just thought to get her settled in first before we overwhelm her even more."

Maya stumbled over her words a little, worried for the man's reaction but also protective over their sweet girl.

"Bishop, it's totally fine. I'm not angry, I'm happy. Proud even and you're going to be the best foster parents to that girl, maybe something more." Ben broke into a proud smile, making the blonde let out a sigh of relief she didn't know she was holding.

"How are you finding parenting?"

Miranda smiled and offered the two some wine, which Carina took a glass but Maya declined having to drive.

The Italian woman sipped her glass of wine, trying to find the right words to describe their experience so far.  "Complicated, she wants to trust us and be loved  I'm sure but so much has happened that we don't know about."

"It's hard for her to break down the walls she's built and let us in to love her. She has to go at her own pace and find out on her own that she can let people in and they can be trusted." Maya explained with a slight frown on her face, taken back to her past self before Carina and therapy had taught her healthier behaviour.

Bailey lowered her voice and leaned closer to the women to ask a burning but delicate question.

"I get the feeling she isn't something short term for you, like fostering is supposed to be."
She eyed the two women with sympathetic eyes as she received a silent, tense nod from the blonde.

"Si, we don't want to get our hopes up but we adore her so much already. I just hope we're doing this right, she deserves good.. p- people in her life."

Maya rubbed the back of her wife's hand with a thumb, their hands interlinked as she noticed the sadness in Carina's voice.

"I wish you nothing but the best and if you ever need anything you know where we are. They'd struggle to find better people for her to be with than you two." Ben smiled kindly at the two women, placing a reassuring hand on Maya's shoulder with a gentle squeeze as he excused himself to the kitchen.

"She'll always be your baby girl, no matter what happens. I can promise you that you're probably doing a better job than you think you are. You're loving her so much and that's all that matters, showing how she should be treated."

The doctor spoke honestly, standing to go and tell the two teenagers that dinner was ready and to come back downstairs. With the room empty the couple eyed each other, silently communicating and just holding each other. One thing was for sure as the women swallowed their emotions down as to not freak out Fynleigh; they had the best people around them and they still planned to fight until they couldn't to keep their baby girl.

"So, what are Maya and Carina like as uh foster mothers or just in general? If you don't mind me asking. Carina is nice but Maya always seems really serious at the station." The boy tried to break the tension, sitting at his desk chair and gesturing for her to get comfortable on his bed.

"They're weird. They care a hell of a lot and I've never had that but I don't really want to have a whole foster care heart to heart. I'm more than just a poor foster kid." Fynleigh mumbled, remaining on the edge of his bed as she didn't want to intrude on his space.

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