i. same school, new students.

Comincia dall'inizio

Kylar only rolled his eyes and muttered the words 'fucking bitch' before turning on his heel and walking away to wherever the fuck he usually goes. Niyah walked towards the girl.


"Hi?" The girl said, already seemingly uninterested before Niyah was even able to get past her greeting.

"You want these drugs?"

"Sure, why not."

The girl snatched the drugs out of Niyah's hand and downed the whole bag in seconds as Niyah stared at her, mouth agape, in a mixture of shock and horror. "...That's gonna fucking kill you."

"Probably. That's why I took them. My name's Nicole."

Niyah closed her mouth and shook her head, removing the shocked expression off her face. "I'm Niyah."

"Great. Now that we're introduced, how do I get more of whatever the fuck you just gave me?" Nicole asked.

"If you're even still alive to get more, Look for a kid named Kylar and I'm sure he'll have plenty more to give you." Niyah told her. She didn't really care if Nicole decided to get more or not, since it seemed like the girl was already suicidal as fuck.

Crispin, who was probably the most boring and basic boy in school, walked up the second Niyah and Nicole's conversation trailed off. Niyah didn't really care though. Talking to people one-on-one was super awkward anyway, especially if you didn't even know them that well.

"Hey yo, you new to this educational prison?" Crispin said before nodding towards Niyah in recognition. "Oh. Hey Niyah."

Nicole glanced towards Niyah with a look on her face that showed she didn't want to be talking to Crispin right now. Or ever, for that matter and it was pretty obvious why. Crispin's aura exuded that of a dull and unmemorable teenager. If Niyah was honest, the only times she remembered Crispin existed was when he was directly in her line of vision.

"Ha. Wow, you're so funny. 'educational prison', you're too relatable." Nicole replied sarcastically. Crispin didn't realize that Nicole was actually unimpressed at his attempt at being funny though.

Crispin smiled at her. "Yeah, I know. I'm getting into like, humor and stuff. Anyway, do you know your way around? You want help getting to your classes, or maybe you want me to just take you away from here? You surely can't actually want to be around Niyah, no offense."

"None taken. I don't even want to be around myself sometimes."

"I'd kinda rather be around Niyah instead of you. She seems more interesting, plus she's the one that knows people with drugs so. But anyway, I guess I kinda know where my classes are? Theres like, numbers and labels on the doors so I think I can figure it out." Nicole said.

Crispin shook his head vigorously. "No no no no, I could show you around. Like a school tour? You wanna do that? You up for that?"

Nicole looked at Niyah again who was now zoned out, staring at a random locker. That's what Niyah always did whenever Crispin was talking, he never had anything to say that was worth her undivided attention anyway.

"Fine. Niyah's coming with us though, I think I would slit my throat if I had to stay in a conversation with you alone for more than two minutes." Nicole responded, Crispin looked pissed but just shrugged in response.

Niyah snapped out of her thoughts at the mention of her name. "Wait, what? What's happening?"

"We're touring the school. Let's go."

"But I already know where everything is."

"So do I. It's all pretty fucking straight-forward, but I have nothing better to do besides entertain that boy— what was his name again?"

overdose, class of 09.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora