Chapter 2: Fast Friends

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Chapter 2: Fast Friends

It was the next day now, Fate and Lindy were awakening from their slumber. Lindy purring while nuzzling into the tall blonde. Fate didn't really react to that action since she was half asleep.

"Good morning Fate-chan~"Lindy smiled. She then got out of the bed and stretched her arms. "I'm gonna start breakfast while you get ready for school. What do you feel like eating right now? Besides me?~"She flirted.

"Lindy-san..."Fate could only smile at her mother, she knew that the older woman was just trying to cheer her up from yesterday's disappointing fiasco. "U-Uhmm... Can I get bacon?"She asked shyly. Kind of embarrassed to be asking for Lindy to make food today. Usually Fate makes breakfast since Lindy and Chrono aren't morning people, the two always being tired since they frequently work late.

It's been a while since Lindy's made breakfast for her, a few years in fact.

"Of course you can have bacon Fate-chan."Lindy nodded. "Now go get ready for school."She pats Fate's butt, winking at her before walking out of the room to go start breakfast.

"Y-Yes..."Fate nodded to herself in embarrassment, watching the older woman leave her room. She then proceeded to get ready for school, grabbing her uniform and going to the bathroom to get dressed and preped.

Fate picked her toothbrush up and stared at it a bit, she went back to thinking about what had happened yesterday between herself and Nanoha. 'She's dating someone...' Fate thought to herself, sighing heavily in disappointment as she put toothpaste on her now washed toothbrush and began to properly brush her pearly white teeth.

Fate was somewhat of a neat person when it came to her looks and such... It was weird though since her room was a big mess at times. I guess she just likes looking good for.. 'the ladies.' Then again she unintentionally looks good at times, attracting almost everyone. Yes, both men and women.

The blonde is still very clueless about her own popularity and thought she was a nobody at Fujimi Academy, thinking things were just like middle school. But in all honestly, Fate was well known and at the borderline of popularity, she just thinks she's not known because of the lack of people she knows.

That being said, we can just blame her for that lack since she only hangs out with Nanoha, Hayate and the rest of her middle school group. Although, at times Fate would hang out with the girls' basketball team. Team-bonding, y'know?

After all the prepping and changing her clothes Fate was downstairs and in the kitchen, bag in hand.

"Good Morning Fate."Chrono greeted, sipping at some coffee. "I'm gonna go now mom."He tells the woman who just finished making Fate's plate.

"Be careful out there and try to get Amy pregnant."Lindy comments, causing the older boy to blush brightly.

"Mom!"Chrono groaned, picking his own bag up and walking out the door embarrassed.

"Chrono-niichan is going to work early today?"Fate asked after the boy left, taking a seat at the table as Lindy placed the plate in front of her. Lindy then took a seat in front of her own plate and picked a fork up.

"Mm-hmm, they called earlier from what he told me."Lindy explains, "Apparently the station needs a lot of help today, I was called in too but I told them I'd be late since I wanna be with you first." She smiled brightly, eating her food at a constant pace. Fate stared at her mother in awe, Lindy was a very powerful woman in her view, the woman being in a strong position at the police station.

"Hmm... Now that we're on the topic of the station, Miyamoto-san has been wanting to meet you y'know."Lindy says with a thoughtful look.

"Why? Wait, who is 'Miyamoto-san'?"Fate asked, chewing on bacon.

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