"What are you doing here?"

"Working." Ben countered confused once again.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to work here?"

"Why not?"

"Because you are not real. Just because you possess the knowledge of a doctor does not mean you are one."

"I am one.. says my 16 thousand hours of clinical training." He gritted. "See you in surgery. Dr. Bailey."

"Benjamin don't walk off." She yelled and then bit her lip because people were now staring.

"I have patients to tend to Dr. Bailey." He replied, never turning around.

Miranda walked into the OR and began scrubbing in. She watched from the window as Ben talked to the patient while setting up his anesthetics. When she finished she walked into the room and held her arms up above the sterile field.

"Dr. Bailey. I've been looking for you." Mark rushed out, holding a mask over his face.

"Yes, Sloan."

"I already got the patient's permission. I want to do the skin graft while she's already under so we can start the healing process early and she doesn't have to be put under twice."

"Oh great. That's fine. Set him up for a skin graft, please." She instructed the nurse.

"Thank you." Mark nodded before, backing up to scrub in.

She wanted to tell Ben that a skin graft would add at least 30 more minutes to the surgery, but she didn't. She was hoping that he could adjust quickly to those types of changes. She didn't know what he was capable of and how he could do this job. Mark scrubbed in and came into the room. He looked over at Ben, never seeing him before he assumed that he was who the nurses were speaking of today.

"So Dr. Warren. How do you like it so far? I've been hearing about you all day via nurses. You're stealing my thunder." Mark joked and Miranda rolled her eyes.

"I think it's a great place to work, especially being in the same building as my girlfriend." He said seriously with a smile.

"Who's your girlfriend?" Mark questioned.

"Dr. Miranda Bailey," Ben answered confidently.

Miranda's eyes widened and she felt her cheeks heat up. "Ignore him. We are not dating." She said quickly.

Mark smirked at her and shook his head. "How long have you two been dating?"

"Officially October the 1st."

"Congrats Bailey. I'll keep it a secret."

"I highly doubt that. He is not my boyfriend."

"So just someone you're seeing?"

"No, I don't see him."

"We see each other every day. We even live together."

"Stop talking Ben." She hissed. "You know what everyone stop talking, let's just work. That's what we are here to do."

After the surgery was over Miranda walked out and began to wash her hands. She looked back into the now-empty OR and saw Ben sitting there putting the tools into the correct bins. Irritated with him still, she walked back into the room.


"You're upset and don't say you're not upset because--"

"You can read me."

"Yes." He nodded.

"You told the biggest gossiper in this damn hospital that we were dating that's why I'm mad.

October Boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now