Chapter Ten

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Skylie's POV

I shoved my way through the city. Behind me, several of Jaxon men were tracking me. James and Drake were off some where in this place chasing some vampires. I rounded a corner, and froze. Jaxon grinned.

"Those stupid werewolves left you so easy," he noted. I growled.

"Leave me alone." I pulled my cloak closer to my body, trying to hide my stomach. It was very swallen, and anyone who saw it knew instantly I was pregnate. He saw my movement, and frowned.

"What are you hiding?" He reached out and grabbed my shoulder. I screamed and sliced up his chest. Howls rang out. Sucking in a breath, I whistled loudly. It was high pitch enough that only wolf ears could hear. I kept slicing at Jaxon, keeping him a bay. I whistled again when they howled. Arms wrapped around mine, pinning me against a hard chest.

Jaxon grinned. Another howl rang out, and it was extreamly close. Jaxon slapped me, stopping me from whistling again. I grined at me, and sucking in a breath. My cracked lips may not want to whistle, so I didn't. Instead, I screamed. Pathedic, I know, but seconds later I was free. Drake, James, Kerry, and Tonya lept into the scene.

I fell to my knees, sighing. the fight was over quickly, for Jaxon was now almost out of men. He, and his three men, took off running. Drake yipped, and no one followed him. Tonya shifted and began exhamining me.

"I'm fine," I told her.

"We need to get her heart back," James growled, his tail twitching angryly. "And kill that man." I ran my hand over my belly.

"Who knows, maybe this child is supossed to kill him." Drake nuzzled my arm. I ran my hand through his fur. He whined, and I said, "I love you."



sorry it's so short. hey, um, I wont be able to upload again for maybe a week, i am sorry. school it almost over, and i need to buckle down my grades. please dont hate me, you'll like where im going to take this story!


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