Chapter Six

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Skylie's POV

As my mind cleared, I goaned. Pain flaired in left side around my hips. Proping myself up, i looked down and saw my shirt had been removed and my upper body was wrapped. The wrapping around where my pain came from was dark with blood. I gazed around, and spotted Drake. He was leaned back in a chair, sleeping.

I climed from the bed, whinced inwardly, then walked up to him. Softly, I pushed hair back from his face. His eyes snapped open.

"You're awake!" I smiled. He hugged me gently. "I was afraid of losing you..." I pulled back, running my fingers through his hair.

"I am fine." My body decided to contradict me right then, and Drake had to grip me harder to keep me from falling.

"Are you weak?" I looked away, not wanting to admit it. He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "Sky, I am your mate. You can tell me anything." I grinned and nodded.

"I am a little weak. So, what happened to Koda?" I asked. He sighed.

"She left us, saying she couldn't stand a pack who harbored vamps." I opened my mouth to speak again, but he kissed me.

"Not fair," I teased, smirking. "Anyways, as I was going to ask, what does the pack think of me now?" Drake took a step back from me and held his hand out to me.

"Come, let me show you."


Drake"S POV

After helping my mate get dressed, I lead her outside. Wolves stopped, bowing their heads. One of my men, James steppped up to us, bowed, and said, "I am James Arches, and I am glad to see you have recovered. Many of us feared that you wouldn't survive." Skylie's eyes grew wide.

"I thought all the wolves hated me." He shook his head.

"But challenging Koda, you showed you could honorable. Then when you didn't kill her, you showed that you cared for our lives and rules. And finally, you have completed the last task of truely joining us: you took a mate," James explained. "You showed us that by taking a mate, you planned on staying around and truely helping us... not to mention that you and our Alpha are a perfect fit; even with you being a vampire.

"I hope some day we shall fight together in battle," he addded. James bowed his head again, then walked away. Skylie turned her widened eyes to me. I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"I told you, my people would accept you sooner or later." She threw her arms around me, hugging me tightly.

"This is wonderful!" Howls of alarm rang out.

"Oh, fuck. Skylie, go somewhere safe." She frowned, shaking her head.

"No way. i am going to fight with you and your men." My respect for your and love grew. She would make me an amazing mate. I turning, I began running. As I ran, I shifted. "Vampires!" She hissed just as the smell hit me. "No!" I ran faster as soon as I smelt blood... werewolf blood. Skylie kept up with me, and I could feel the anger rolling off of her.

We reached a small clearing, and I pasued. Four of my wolves were laying about, bleeding out. The howl that tore from me was a kill order for any of the wolves around. I caught a vamp in my sights, and attacked. I latched onto his back, bit into the flesh on his neck, and tore. Jumping back, I dropped the head and attacked another one,


Skylie's POV

I knew this fighting team. Hell, I had trained them! I saw as Drake ripped one of their head's from his shoulder. Straightening my fingers, my nails became weapons again. Leaping forth, I began killing my people. Slashing, I cut several down within minutes. Drake was rolling around with another, and I couldn't tell how their battle was going.

"Ah, dear Skylie." My body froze, but I forced my self to spin around. There stood my old Master, Jaxon. "I see you're a wolf lover now." I snarled at him. "Tsk, tsk, you know better than that." He held up a small, back satin bag, then squeezed it. A scream tore from me and I fell to my knees. "You know I hold your life in my hands."

My own hands clutched at my chest, where my heart used to sit.

"Please... stop...." I begged, my vision going blurry. To my surprise, he did.

"Now be a good girl, and kill that werewolf." He pointed at Drake, who had killed the vamp he had been fighting. Anger rushed through me and I lept to my feet.

"Never! I will never hurt my mate! You can kill me, doesn't matter as long as he lives!"

My face connected with the dirt as pain erupted through my chest.

"Mate?!" Jaxon seethed. "You are WITH a WEREWOLF? You were my favorite, and now a werewolf has defiled you! And you ALLOWED it!" I thought I was truely was going to die as my vision went bacl for a couple heart beats, The moment I could see, I gasped.

Standing around Drake and I were so many wolves, I couldn't even count... but behind Jaxon almost just as many vampires were gathering. So this is where is was going down. Jaxon had brought all this vampires to kill Drake, thinking that would end the werewolves. James stepped up next to drake, and shifted.

"Alpha, I will always stay by your side, as Beta, and your brother." Drake threw his head back and howled.

"Kill them!" Jaxon yelled. My pain forgotten, I pushed forward, attacking the closest vampire. He didn't expect it, and I quickly killed his. A female looked at me, and smirked. I looked down. My chest was covered in blood. Pushing that to the back of my mind, I sliced at her. She managed to dodge. Using her long sword, she swung at me.

My reflexes were slower than normal, but I side stepped her at the last second. The sword dig into the near by tree, and she struggled to pull it free. I rested my hands on the blade, and she froze.

"Not strong enough, are you?" She growled. Kicking her in the chest, she fell back. I ripped the sword free, and swung. Her life was quickly ended. Gripping the weapon tighter, I managed to kill many more vampires before coming face to face with Jaxon. His eyes were wild.

"Your dead!" Pain tore through my chest. My mouth filled with blood and I sank to my knees.

"No!!" A voice screamed, but it was too late. I was gone.

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